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Messages - Conspiracy Theorist

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I am not sure seven novels for the seven laws - Harry breached the sixth law in the micro fiction Red Alert, Harry Dresden, inadvertently travelling to the future and back. This I suspect though may fall into Twelve Months along with the other short stories in this period.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezar said something that confuses me and p's me off
« on: November 28, 2024, 03:28:40 AM »
This is a simple one,  if a Starborn is immune to your influence, you influence them through someone to whom he is not immune i.e. Justin du Morne. Killing Justin left Harry with a residue of dark magic in his aura. The White Council were not sure what Justin had done to Harry and its long-term effect. I suspect Justin had trouble overcoming Harry’s will, without effectively turning him into a Renfield, not the desired effect.

I wonder if they had known of Elaine whether or not this had eased their mind. Clearly Elaine was to be used by Justin to get a handle on Harry in the same way Nemesis did with Thomas and Justine and the baby. That would have given Nemesis control of a fully free-will Harry.

The ultimate end game may have been for Elaine to fall pregnant by Harry

DF Spoilers / Re: Mister leaving
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:41:32 PM »
Jim is a great fan of Butcher, and I think Mister is his version of Greebo.

Pratchett describes cats dealing with something by fighting it, eating it, running away from it or having sex with it. Greebo has another option, turn human.

I think when Mister runs out of the traditional cats choices then he turns Malk, making the Changelings choice. Looking at Sarissa born the same time couple of centuries ago with Maeve, a changeling doesn’t age the same way suggesting even though Mister is 18 years old (an extremely good age for a Maine Coon) he doesn’t show it taking down even relatively large Gremlins. Which leads us to another point, he obviously ate the Gremlin and has partaken in the past of the Little Folk, let’s just say you are what you eat, and that ain’t fairy dust in his litter box.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:19:09 PM »
Interesting could the jewel be used as a focus to create a new way? In The Law Harry isn’t sleeping and is meditating a lot. I have previously posited that he was seeking to create a way from The Castle to the Winter Knights Apartment in Arctis Tor, and was the reason he had invited the Za Guard to stay. If so the jewel would be Checkov’s gun, aside from Changes it has been hideously underused. You imagine a new route within the jewel and it eventually snaps into place outside the jewel depending on the degree of congruency between to the two points and the amount of mental effort and magic over time applied to make it so.

Margaret could have created several short-cuts this way, and it might explain how she was able to escape Raith.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 17, 2024, 10:53:02 PM »
Thomas was the tool and Nemesis the true instigator of the attack on the Swartalves, it is Nemesis whom they have the beef with, we saw this in Bombshells.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 17, 2024, 10:51:18 PM »
Teleportation appears to require a certain power level and using the Never Never is easier, and there are different types of teleportation. Both Drakul and Namshiel used a line of sight teleportation, presumably the easiest as regards power expenditure, but Harry figured it out and ambushed Drakul, Ethnui did not.

I presume more elaborate teleportation is hazardous, it’s too easy to scramble oneself, materialise within something etc, and you only get one shot….unless you are immortal. Indeed immortality may be a necessity, if one can totally reform from atomisation isn’t that effectively teleportation?

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: December 14, 2023, 05:44:34 PM »
Unmet character until named as Nameless in The Law.

Seriously Harry knows every practitioner and everyone in the (ill)legal business in Chicago but doesn’t even know of Mr Winter Winter? Unless of course that’s what Talvi Inverno wanted….

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Harry ever met the Baba yaga?
« on: October 07, 2023, 05:22:19 PM »
Already searched that link and there is nothing specific on Baba Yaga, and although I don’t have the Paranet Papers, that is supposed to be specific. As they are canon, the papers should supersede a non-specific WOJ.

For a long time Baba Yaga has been a character in the RPG, and for a long-time the best fit by far was Mother Winter, this likely where this question arose in the first place on Reddit. Jim had obviously researched and intended to use Baba Yaga in the files in some form and inserted her into the RPG. The question though was when? Cold Days? The Law? Some point not yet reached in the narrative? Maybe she pops up in the Time Travel book in Tunguska (we have dragons deaths to resolve).

At the moment there are two candidates and neither are conclusive just what Jim wants.

DF Spoilers / Re: So What Happened to the Athame?
« on: October 07, 2023, 05:10:44 PM »
Maeve would accept an unsolicited gift. Fae don’t share. Nor would she enter into a bargain with an liegewoman of Mab, as Mab showed Harry Mab can take over such an obligation.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Harry ever met the Baba yaga?
« on: October 07, 2023, 02:04:02 PM »
Direct quote of WOJ please, all I am getting is speculation on Reddit and a separate reference to the Paranet papers which only says Baba Yaga is not Fae

I would point out Miss Lapland is not Fae being a Finnish Witch, and the only allusion to Mother Winter not being Fae is her Iron Teeth. Iron is one of the restriction placed upon the Fae to even the playing field with mortals, but the mothers have virtually no interaction with the Mortal World.

DF Spoilers / Re: So What Happened to the Athame?
« on: October 07, 2023, 01:56:13 PM »
The Fae don’t share so no nothing was offered to Maeve by Lea.

Remember though that Nameless was fully part of Winter at this time, and I posit him to be Cowl. Mab was always distrustful of Nameless and she undoubtedly warned Lea and Maeve, which is why the Athame had to go via a circuitous route to Lea.

Maeve on the other hand upon getting the warning would have immediately sought out Nameless and attached him to her Court, most likely leading to the Redcap also joining. In GP Maeve in her first meeting with Harry mentions that “he” had told her Harry was completely intractable, when challenged about who “he” was Maeve dismissed the matter. I think “he” was Nameless/Cowl.

There may therefore have been more than one infection vector, Cowl/Nameless couldn’t get to Lea but the Athame could, whereas he could work directly with Maeve, freeing her from the restrictions she was subject to.

DF Spoilers / Re: So What Happened to the Athame?
« on: October 06, 2023, 04:41:35 PM »
Demonreach can release different parts of a thing, whilst it may deleterious to remove a Lady’s Mantle to the Lady, it could disinfect the Athame like an autoclave. There is a very good reason Mab hasn’t asked for this.

She would have to ask a favour of Harry as Warden as the Winter Knight could not. Pride.

DF Spoilers / Re: So What Happened to the Athame?
« on: October 06, 2023, 12:10:26 PM »
Something that damaging needs to be stored in Demonreach.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chekhov's Arthurian Athame
« on: October 05, 2023, 11:11:31 AM »
Arthurian legend is pretty much pick and mix for Jim, we should be restricting ourselves to in universe information.

Merlin existed creating the White Council in its current form and built Demonreach.

Mab was romantically involved with Merlin, she was the Winter Lady in 1066 and Merlin was most active in 400 AD (but a time traveller). Mab was a mortal most likely a practitioner who became the Winter Lady.

Titania is the twin of Mab and therefore also likely a practitioner. Between then they likely accounted for the different legends of Morgana, Nimue, Vivianne and the Lady of the lake. As twins they may both at different times have been in one or more of these role (Morgana’s dual nature accommodated by being at different times the Winter and Summer Lady). The Athame might therefore have been a device of both Winter and summer, which is why Mab referred to it as Morgana’s Athame and not hers, it was a prop for a character her and her sister played.when Harry finds out he will call it cosplaying.

Excalibur was Amorrachius during the Arthurian period. The Holy Grail exists and has been in Hades Vault most likely since its recovery in Arthurian times.

Nameless (who I posit to be Cowl) would have been around during the Arthurian period, as would Nicodemus and probably Polonius Lartessa and Quinn’s Cassius. All four would have motives to intervene in the recovery of the grail. Indeed this could be where Nameless/Cowl first started working with Tess. All or none of them may feature under different names in the legends.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who called up the Cornerhounds?
« on: October 02, 2023, 06:41:59 PM »
Cowl has controlled at least three sorcerers in the Files in Chicago alone. The surviving one who abducted the pups summoned up giant monkeys throwing flaming poop, so Cowl has at least one human mortal Sorceror on speed dial who is good at summoning and has likely been polished by him for exactly this type of task. Yet another reason to consider Nameless (a scion) is Cowl. He has been training black magic practitioners in Chicago for years whilst Nameless has been practicing law in the same city.

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