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Messages - RedRobe

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DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: November 15, 2017, 03:29:17 PM »
The player wanted to use Rapport or Presence to get the kobold to go away or stop attacking folks, much like an Intimidate check in Pathfinder would have allowed. Could we have switched from attempting a maneuver to a full-on Social conflict? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the many options available in any given encounter. 

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: November 15, 2017, 01:27:54 PM »

Or, you tag HELPFUL THUG for an attack.  "That thug is being helpful and distracts the enemy long enough for me to get a good jab in."  And now the aspect is gone or whatever.

This is what ended up happening, though the HELPFUL THUG aspect stayed for other paid invokes. If it the tag is spent in this way, then should it go away? If used in any of the other ways, like invoking it for effect, would it stick around until it is overcome? 

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: November 14, 2017, 11:00:57 PM »
Basically the issue was how to pass the free tag from the Helpful Thug aspect created by the maneuver to another character. Then it was narrating how the thug distracted another baddie resulting in the PC who it was passed to getting a +2 on his attack roll rather than the baddie getting a negative to his defense roll.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: November 14, 2017, 09:27:12 PM »
I want to share an update on my first Dresden scenario. We spent the first two sessions building the city of Columbus, Indiana, and the characters. The third session we started with the characters meeting at a new fast Greek/Asian fusion restaurant (think Fazoli's) to discuss the local problems with a RCV-developed drug called Red Moon making its rounds through the city. I used the d20 Modern Urban Arcana adventure at the back of the campaign setting as a guide. The PCs stopped a brawl between some unruly kobold gangs. Some issues that came up were grokking how maneuvers work, and tagging of aspects placed on baddies. I used the kobold stats provided in this thread. They were super useful! Thanks to all who helped!

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 30, 2017, 04:01:11 PM »
I do enjoy reading all the suggestions and ideas being generated. I may just wait to see what kind of game he players are interested in before I move forward with the kobold thing. I like the idea of rival dragons in the background. My take on kobolds combined their D&D Draconic appearance with their mythological roots. I could see the working kobolds as dragon scions given a chance to work for their dragon relative at one of his/her business ventures to learn about Earth finance. The rival gang could be the take-and-hoard-minded scions of the other dragon.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 28, 2017, 08:11:03 PM »
And I may, in my turn, have completely misunderstood what the OP envisioned.

Here's the crux of it:  Why in the world are these supernaturals (Kobolds) working as "staff" in a public cafe/restaurant???

Brownies clean, it's just their nature.  Cobbs make and repair shoes, and that's THEIR nature.
What kind of supernatural being waits tables, busses dirty dishes, does the barista bit, etc?

And keeps regular working hours?

In jobs that bring them into frequent contact with non-clued mortals?

In the Dresden'verse, I keep WTF'ing...

So it looks to me like they are trying to "mainstream:"  trying to life a day-to-day life largely as if they were mortals themselves.  Working and living alongside mortals.  Passing as mortals.

Maybe that's just me, misunderstanding the OP ...
I guess I should clarify that I am including things outside of Dresden Files canon to make the setting my own. Not a lot, mind you, but things like kobolds and other D&D creatures that were taken from real world mythology and folklore. In my version not all creatures come from the Nevernever, and have always been of Earth. I will most likely pull a bit from Supernatural and similar shows as I have seen done on several PBP games here and on other sites.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:55:48 PM »
I know I've said it a bunch but: Two dragons running parts of the city would cool.  They could travel through established ways or you could have an underground tunnel system which would be in keeping with kobolds.
This might work. In Urban Arcana there is a silver dragon working behind the scenes as the benefactor of a do-gooder group that works to stop incursions of evil supernatural creatures while protecting the good ones. He could be one of the two trying to run the city. I would probably make them lesser dragons.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 14, 2017, 02:25:52 PM »
Taran, you have mentioned hobgoblins in your posts. To my knowledge, there are only goblins statted in Our World. Are you referring to hobs (which are nothing like hobgoblins) or is that just what you refer to them as?

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:41:48 PM »
I don't know the Urban Arcana supplement, but I infer from this thread that it has a built-in setting (or at least specific tropes/memes), and what you REALLY want is to use the DFRPG ruleset to run those UA pieces (& sundry other bits of the vast PF repertoire), rather than the DresdenVerse itself...

Is that a fair assessment?
If so... this may not be your best fit, actually.  DFRPG has been heavily tweaked away from the "Fate Core" ruleset, to specific DresdenVerse elements.  I might go with a more-homogenous blend of Fate Core + Fate Freeport + Urban Arcana, and use elements of DFRPG without trying to use the entire ruleset+setting...
Actually no, I do want to use the DFRPG in the Dresdenverse. As I mentioned above I wanted a framework for an adventure since I'm new to actually PLAYING the game, and I think the module is a good fit. About half my group knows and loves the Dresden Files books, and want to play in that setting. They all want an urban fantasy game that uses a system other than d20. I realize I will have to tweak the module to fit DF, not the other way around. Among my group I'm the only one who takes pre-printed material and tweaks it to my chosen setting rather than make adventures from scratch. I really enjoy it.   :)

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:12:39 PM »

Another possibility that could work in this instance is an ongoing disguise spell anchored to the building's threshold/wards.  Especially given the kobolds craftiness and natural penchant for bunker fortifications. 
I like the idea of a ward that disguises them as human teenagers as they enter for their shift. In the adventure background, the restaurant is owned/run by a dwarf who is trying to help Shadowkind find jobs. So maybe the owner is an enterprising practitioner who used his ties to a svartalf to ward his restaurants so he could hire monsters trying to stay on the straight and narrow. All non-humans who enter are glamored to look human so they can eat and work peacefully. At some point during the gang intrusion it gets overloaded and fails, and chaos ensues.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:25:22 PM »
In d20 Urban Arcana, there is an effect produced by "Shadow" that obscures mundane mortals' perception of the supernatural. The adventure incorporates that to allow for the kobolds to be out in the open, albeit under heavy disguises. Its also late at night. Harry, in the novels, has mentioned several times that non-clued-in mortals will selectively forget or doubt their perception because the supernatural "isn't real." Would you suppose this psychological effect could account for the kobolds being in the open, or is the use of an effect like Shadow stretching Butcher's intent?

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:04:59 AM »
The premise is that a group of kobolds hold an after hours fight club for clan/gang dominance. One crew works at the restaurant and the other group comes in to settle a score while the PCs happen to be there. Thanks for the write-up! I was researching mythological kobolds and there is a trap-making miner type that this would work for!

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:11:42 PM »
I'm on my way to game night (different group) so I can't go into great detail just now, but I will be using the adventures in the back of the Urban Arcana setting book. The first one called Fast Food Fight Club deals with a gang of kobolds invading a fast food restaurant. Basically the PCs are the only ones equipped, mentally and physically, to stop the attack.

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 08, 2017, 04:08:05 PM »
I have glanced at Night Fears and Neutral Grounds, but didn't care for either. Are there more than those two?

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:35:40 PM »
I'm not that great at on-the-fly GMing unless I have some stuff prepared. Since this will be my first attempt at running a new system, I figure having a module as a guide will help. As long as I get the feel of the creatures, they don't have to be a feature-by-feature recreation. I like the way the Fate Freeport Companion handles creature conversion for a D&D style game, and thought something similar could be done using Dresden.

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