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Messages - peterwiggin94

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DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: September 20, 2024, 02:31:26 PM »
I completely understand why they might want no one in charge. With no one in charge, the island can't defend itself as well because there's no wizard directing or improving its defense but no one can easily release the prisoners either. Harry could release them all if he wanted to. I think that the island is just as safe overall because Harry makes it harder to break prisoners out using an army but easier to break them out using subterfuge, blackmail, or similar. Everyone knows that Harry would commit genocide to save his kid so they could reasonably guess that he'd release a prisoner to save her too. If the Formor really want Ethniu back, they have to know that kidnapping Maggie and demanding Harry to release might actually work.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who wanted the Fomor to rise?
« on: September 06, 2024, 01:13:00 PM »
My suspicion is that the Chitchen Itza event was actually required to start bringing over the Outsiders to help the Formor. A fairly consistent part of the magic system is that the mood or atmosphere of the world matters. Dead Beat had Cowl messing with Chicago to "prime the pump" and Battle Ground showed that the fear of Chicago affected the spells cast during the battle. Since the big spell at the end of Changes affected so many people who weren't the Red Court, I suspect that certain spells would have been easier in the wake of the bloodline curse. I bet that it would have helped summoning an Outsider that is described as a peer to Mab. After being summoned, the Walker then helps the Formor assemble their forces and/or knock down some one like the king of the Tuatha as payment. It then starts assembling it's forces to assault Demonreach.

As for what the Outsiders get out it, beyond a Walker that gets summoned, is more chaos. Mab, Odin, and Uriel are chief forces in alliance for the current order among the natural world. Mab and Odin also established the Accords. Eliminating the Accords could pull away some of Winter's forces from the Wall and a massive global war would kill a lot of the people who could stand up to the Outsiders after they breached the Wall.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dragon Con Jim's almost done with 12 months!
« on: September 04, 2024, 01:19:30 PM »
Is there a video of this? I couldn't find one in a quick skim of YouTube.

I hope the fact that Lara and Harry share a brother, but aren't technically related, is a source of joking or tension in 12 Months. Lara grew up when the Hapsburg chin was still a good thing and she's had way more incestuous sex than with her half-brother's half-brother (thanks Papa Raith). She almost certainly won't be bothered by this relationship to Harry but he probably will.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: August 07, 2024, 02:05:29 PM »
This maybe a controversial opinion but I'm somewhat hopeful that Jim is taking his time on this. I've seen a lot of series go from beloved to hated or ignored based on the last chunk including GoT and Star War sequel trilogy. My hope is that Jim is taking his time to ensure that Harry's relationships are written well. Since this is first book after Murph's death, first one where Harry's with Lara, first one with Harry out of the White Council, and first one with Harry being personally antagonistic with Ebenezer and Carlos, it could make or break several key components of the rest of the series.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Butters break the Laws of Magic?
« on: July 24, 2024, 06:37:28 PM »
My personal favorite explanation is that the Council allows for flexibility in matters of self defense or defense of one's interests. We know that they allow for killing via magic in defense and I wouldn't be shocked in relatively minor breaks to some of the other 6 would be allowed too. One example is Dresden's wards that "suggested" people skip his bolt hole. Those were a gray area but, since they didn't cause permanent harm or major effects to the timestream and were in self defense, so they were fine. The mind fog grenades that Butters had only worked temporarily (if I remember correctly) and he got them while trying to help the humans of Chicago. My suspicion is that most Wardens would have let Butters off with a warning but tried to kill/capture Bob.

DF Spoilers / Re: True Love as Defense against White Court Vampires
« on: July 23, 2024, 03:00:22 AM »
There's a slight but important nuance here. I don't think true love hurts Skavis or Malvora but leads to or inspires things that do.

DF Spoilers / Re: True Love as Defense against White Court Vampires
« on: July 22, 2024, 01:34:28 PM »
In defense of the OP, I suspect that honest-to-goodness deep love would inspire courage, hope, faith, and anything else that Malvora and Skavis would hate. It may not instantly cause them to be burned like a Raith but, since we know the White Court like weak prey, I bet it would cause them to not target people in a solid relationship. Maybe it's just my sappy side talking but I like to believe that real love inspires courage and hope. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 25, 2024, 02:37:51 AM »
My very earliest memory was 20-21 case files plus BAT which makes 23-24 books. Since he's added Twelve Months, he plans to make it 25 books. Assuming my memory is right, he is doing it because he thinks he needs to work Harry through a lot of stuff and because he wants to step up his writing. I think he wants to stretch his legs and tell either a anthology that happens to all have Harry as POV (maybe Lara or Molly but mostly Harry) or a very introspective, moody story with comparatively little action. I'm excited for this if he does it. I love it when author stretch out because, even if the experimental stuff isn't as good, it usually improves the regular stuff.

DF Spoilers / Timeline for Justine
« on: June 05, 2024, 03:04:24 PM »
I listened to an interview with Jim that was mostly just writer-talk and his history (linked below). It did have some lore questions and someone asked about why Justine didn't mess with the island in Cold Days. His answer was "She wasn't possessed by Nemesis them". It was fascinating and out of left field. In Battle Ground, when Harry asked how long she had been Nemfected, she said "Mortal time is such a limited concept. A few years. Ever since she became close to Lara". That heavily implied to me that she was Nemfected all the way back in White Night because that's when she became Lara's assistant. With this WOJ, her statement almost certainly means an emotional closeness. Maybe Lara found out about Thomas and Justine resuming their physical relationship and it led to Justine and Lara becoming sisterly? I don't know but that's my best guess. We better get answers in the next book though.


DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: May 27, 2024, 02:46:34 AM »
That Justine had cheated was my immediate conclusion on finishing Battle Ground. The timing was just too perfect for me to accept that she had conceived from Thomas. It happens right after Harry becomes available for manipulation and Mab's knight. Before that, Harry was dead, in Winter, or on Demonreach and mostly out of reach.

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: May 24, 2024, 09:30:28 PM »
There's a couple of good explanations here that I think undermine your theory. First, Jim changed his mind or only meant that Harry isn't getting any more children. He does have two of them counting Bonny and Harry does count her. Second, Justine did get pregnant and just cheated on Thomas. It would be relatively easy for her to do by Nemfecting her bodyguards and maybe having one them do it. She could have easily started the process right around Skin Game and conceived by Peace Talks (it's about 1-2 months between those two books). She could force Thomas into doing the mission right away so he couldn't reasonably ask for a paternity test by saying "Hey Thomas, I've been possessed. I've been skipping my birth control pills, taking medicine to help me ovulate, and poking holes in the condoms. Do what I say or I'll hurt your baby." I bet that would work on Thomas considering he accepts he's going to become a father in the first chapter of Peace Talks. 

Either way, there's a couple of ways to fit Justine's pregnancy in with the WOJ you mentioned and with the book canon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's Bachelor Party (adult unbrainwashed only)
« on: April 23, 2024, 03:53:05 PM »
I don't know where you got the impression that Harry would like the sort of party you're describing. Harry has explicitly said that he doesn't like loud parties several times, and he doesn't like drinking a lot. He says his ideal downtime is just reading books, walking his dogs, DNDing with friends, and etc. He is, paraphrasing Harry, basically just a magic nerd with anger and abandonment issues.

He's also in the middle of grieving Murphy's death. They were good friends for well over a decade and then became lovers. He's probably still grieving Susan too because it's been only a year or two since he had to sacrifice his baby mama on an alter in order to commit genocide. He's been under constant stress and isolation. He also has a daughter now and would never throw a party like that if it infringed on her life. There's no good reason to suggest that Harry would like this or it would be good for him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 20, 2024, 04:20:46 PM »
Jim has said that any fight between Mab and Titania would almost definitively be a toss up. I think the Summer Mother in the visit to the Outer Gates in Cold Days talked about Mab and Titania's power being equal. My memory is that Mab is personally powerful and controls vast armies to protect the Outer Gates. Titania is equally powerful with a much smaller army, relatively speaking, as a check on Mab. Mab can't take over anywhere else because Titania would personally kill or maim her if Mab tried anything squirrelly. My strong suspicion is that the Ladies and Mothers are equally powerful as well.
I bet any of the Faerie queens could do remove or greatly restrict the Whampire demon if their job description allowed for it. I don't know if any would. My bet is on Mab and Titania's job giving them the power to do it solely because Mab threatened to make Thomas the Winter Knight and I don't think she would want competition for control or influence on Thomas.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 15, 2024, 01:44:43 PM »
If I remember correctly, Jim has said that the Warden of Demonreach can release portions of the prisoners but not all. The example he gave (assuming my memory is right) is that Harry could trap Vadderrung/Odin/Claus on the island and release Vadderrung but not Claus. Since Claus was the portion of that being who was keeping him immortal, he would have really good leverage on him. I imagine that Harry could, theoretically, do the same with Thomas.
However, we know that there is an angel in the Sword of the Cross. Since those angels presumably has more experience and knowledge than Harry, it could probably be more precise at only killing the Whampire demon. In fact, the Sword of Faith would probably be perfect for this.

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