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Messages - Lizard King

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DFRPG / Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:41:45 PM »
My group had a surprisingly good game a little while back.  We were set in New Orleans, and the weather was really starting to pick up, getting worse and worse.
The GM did a great job of NOT telling us that Katrina was on the way, just letting it happen.  It was a wild game with pressure from all around. 

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:07:35 PM »
I hadn't actually watched the show when I found the books. I remember seeing previews for the show, so I googled "The Dresden Files", and found out that it was actually a whole series of books. So I saved up money and bought every volume that was out at that point, and read them all back to back in about 2 or 3 months.

Then I saw part of the show and cringed before turning off the TV. I'm glad I did some research without actually watching the show first.

Agree with the sentiment.  I rented the DVD's later and couldn't finish one episode.  I am SO glad I read the books first, or I wouldn't have read them.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: April 09, 2008, 05:35:26 PM »
Ah, groovy!  I didn't get a lot of chance to talk to Chris, but Psi Run definitely had the buzz. :)

When I say co-creator, I don't mean I had input on Psi Run other than test run and illo.  But I have the pleasure of working on a game with him now.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: April 09, 2008, 04:20:27 PM »
You fit the description of three or four guys, Lizard, but that definitely narrows the field. :)

SOTC is a good benchmark for what DFRPG will be like; add maybe another 10-20% in explicit support of the genre, rejigger several of the core elements of the system, and that's where you end up. 

Have you played around with any of Chad Underkoffler's PDQ products? (Zorcerer of Zo, Truth & Justice, etc)

I haven't, but my co-creator/buddy/gamer Chris Moore (created Psi-Run and displayed at the Forge Booth) is the true indy gamer.  He knows his stuff way better than I do, so I'll ask him.  He's the one who showed me that an indy game culture exists. 

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: April 09, 2008, 12:24:22 PM »
Perhaps you could give examples of games you consider too rules heavy, and games you consider acceptably rules light so we can get some idea of what your tolerances are? Then maybe some of the nice guys on the alpha might comment on how the game compares to some of your examples?

Lemme get a quick consensus of my gaming group on the systems we've enjoyed most.  What I've considered too rules heavy would be games such as D&D, the Heroes Game System, White Wolf.
On the Indy scene, while I love Vincent Baker and the game idea, I found Dogs in the Vineyard not so much rules heavy, but rules tedious.  Spirit of the Century is awesome, but more reading than playing for me, at least at first.
I'm an extremist, guys.  Vincent Baker's Otherkind mechanic is the most elegant game system ever created, in my eyes.  I'd be more apt to dive into a game if it starts off basic and easy, minimal reading. I'll take supplements later, quite happily, if I can jump in with both feet quickly.
Thanks for listening to me, guys.  I'm fully aware that I'm a radical minority.  But I do love the whole CONCEPT of Dresden.  And I want to RPG with it.
By the way, Iago, we met at Gen Con 07, at your Indy area.  I was the long haired dude looking for illustration opportunities and you told me about the upcoming Dresden RPG.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: April 09, 2008, 12:57:04 AM »
You're still liable to be a healthy minority, even if you're in a minority there. And I feel you, man -- but I still feel like we need to stay true to our implementation with this one.  I'd heartily suggest that the game will still be a solid resource book for fans of the setting, and as such I wouldn't be surprised if a number of folks picked it up with the idea of setting aside the system part and using the setting info for their favorite system of choice.  If you're tired of heavier rules, something in the PDQ family would probably rock for ya.

(That said, do I think I'd characterize the game as "extremely rules heavy?" -- No, I wouldn't; it adds a few more systems on top of what Spirit of the Century offers, but I don't consider SOTC to be rules-heavy so much as example-drenched.  YMMV.)

You are likely exactly right.  My friends and I love both RPG's and the Dresden universe.  I have no doubt we'll have the Dresden RPG and canabalize the living crap out of it, at the very least.  :)

Regarding the rules heavy part of my statement, I realize it doesn't take much to have that description for me.  I totally know I'm hard to please in that aspect!

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: April 08, 2008, 05:32:19 PM »
The more I read about the upcoming RPG, the more disheartened I become.  It looks like an extremely rules-heavy game, and I'm just tired of that.  I've done those since I was a kid.  I'm ready to just play a game without having to read a text book first. 

I realize I'm probably in the minority on this, and I'm not trying to criticize the game.  I'm just into the more indy style story games.  Is anyone else thinking this way?

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:13:23 PM »
Something my gaming group has done, when it's appropriate or possible, is place the game in our own town, (the Quad Cities, only 3 hours west of Chicago).  It's large enough to have some fun settings in it, and we KNOW it.  It gives a great, concreteness to descriptions and a great point of reference. 

DFRPG / Re: Anyone gaming Dresden anymore?
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:55:57 PM »
Could you recommend any in particular? Whe I look on the shelf in my bookstore they seem to have several and I'd rather start with either (a) the "first" one to see how the series starts out, or (b) the best ones.
I won't pretend to be an expert, but I definately have my opinion on the subject.  :) 
I think the most important thing to do is get the "feel" for Constantine.  It's a very character driven story to me, so while there is a big back history and a lot of continuity, I feel like it's more important to understand the character and his motives than to try to track back to the beginning.  (I also feel like the books have gotten better with time).  My recommendation is to find anything from Garth Ennis, Mike Carey, or Brian Azzarello.  I'm a relative late comer to the series, and I've been catching myself up through the graphic novels.  My favorite ones are "Hard Times", or "Dangerous Habits", for giving a great indepth look at what makes Constantine tick.  There are also two novels, "Warlord" and "Subterranean".  These are by a guy named John Shirley.  They are good for what they are, not quite as gritty as I prefer, but they were decent stories and I enjoyed them. 
All that said and done, the graphic novel "Original Sins" will start you at the beginning, and it's pretty damn good stuff. 

DFRPG / Re: Anyone gaming Dresden anymore?
« on: January 19, 2008, 04:16:27 PM »
You're right! Constentine has a very similar feel to it. I've only seen the movie and haven't had a chance to read the graphic novels, but certainly the style of the supernatural seems pretty compatible.

Not to de-rail or hijack this thread, but when you are in between DF books, look up some Constantine.  There are a couple of novels and dozens of graphic novels.  Very gritty, very harsh, but very very good.  I really recommend them. 

DFRPG / Re: Anyone gaming Dresden anymore?
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:35:25 PM »
My group just hasn't had a chance to play much at all through this season.  We will play our own little Dresden game again.  We tend to mix a little Constantine feel in with it, just because we are big fans of both, and they mix nicely. 

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:35:14 PM »
There are ways to do it without a lot of crunching.  Dozens of them.  And they keep things fair, with an element of suspense.  My group uses them all the time. 

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: December 29, 2007, 11:14:28 PM »
Well, if you want to get your work out there, I know a few places that you can post your work.
Most of these sites are "Free RPG Posting Sites" and so they can't pay you, but it can get you more PR - where people want to contact you and get some for themselves. Wall Posters and Computer Backgrounds are very popular.
Just remember to put your Name in the picture, where it can't be easily edited out.

I dislike trying to ask for Artists, since I usually get rather rude responses.
If your interested (or know anyone that would be) Contact me for more information.

I appreciate the info.  I'm at the point right now where I am getting paid work from RPG companies and Indy creators, which is very cool.  I just want more of it!
But thanks!

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: December 21, 2007, 05:26:21 PM »
Lizard King. Very awesome drawing!
I wonder, are you planing on doing the scene where Harry nukes Bianca's house? “Pyrofuego!”

I wish I had even a fraction of that kind of talent...but nope.
I can create Character Ideas, and descriptions of people and places, and can thread a decent Game Story, though. I have a lot of awesome characters that I will most likely never actually see.

Thanks for the kind words!  I do have a lot of other ideas that I'd like to draw.  (I wish they still needed illustrators for the RPG)  One I'd like to draw is the showdown between Morgan and Harry where Morgan is attacking him with the earth magic.  In the meantime, I'm keeping busy doing some illos for Hero Game Digital, which, though it's small time, is still getting to do RPG illustrations!

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« on: December 21, 2007, 05:20:26 PM »
Which is why that "Slave" listed for my example game was a Sorcerer PC. Slaves cannot be Wizards, since they would never recieve the level of training to become a "Wizard".

By the way, I am enjoying this Debate.

I'm enjoying the debate, too.  Which is why I'm going to point out that Slaves in the US were some of the more magically oriented people in our history, usually following the voauden traditions.  In fact, even the slave owners would at times come to the slaves for spells, charms, and cures.  Sure, they may not fit into the White Council, but I wouldn't want to mess with them!

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