I'm kinda torn about the game. (Yes, I know it's not out yet. I'm still torn, though. I'm pre-torn!
On the other hand, the fate system has some pretty cool stuff. On the other hand, it's too narrative or "Forgey" for my taste. I mean, I flipped through the Spirit of the Century SRD and found that it looked good, but the level of abstraction left a bitter taste in my mouth. I like my games pretty simulationist, but with some metagame elements to stress themes and passions - the Spiritual Attributes in The Riddle of Steel are a particular favourite of mine in this regard. The OP should however, I imagine, find the game to their liking. Me... I dunno. I hope so. It's just that some of the modern systems feel to me like reading a book where the author got lazy and decided to use excessive author fiat to get the plot go the way they needed to rather than having the events proceed logically from the elements established.
Don't take this as a slam on your game, however. It's a matter of taste, not of quality. And I'll definitely keep my eye on the game anyway, in case it surprises me positively.