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Messages - tommy19

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DFRPG / Re: Druidry in the Dresden-verse (ala Iron Druid style)
« on: June 28, 2014, 04:47:55 PM »
Wow, you guys really ran with this. lol

FYI Vultur, you're Druidic Sponsored Magic post has been formatted and printed out and now resides, errata style, in my copy of YS.

Mojosilver -- The Sight doesn't exist in the Iron Druidverse. While it's true that Atticus can see magic and auras it's something he can turn off and on easily (by using one of his charms) but it's not defined as something that the seer can never forget and, depending on what it is they saw, could haunt them forever.

I can name three times off the top of my head when Harry has used the sight; To look at the dark power infused and downright creepy lake house of Victor Sells, Once he saw his friend wrapped in and being tortured by ghostly barbed wire, and once to see the horror that was the skinwalker. And he CANNOT forget seeing them. Ever. And he'll live for hundreds of years if someone doesn't snuff him out first... so you can kind of see why he'd be a bit weary of using the sight.

Anyway, awesome work guys. Would love to see how you guys would use this information to stat up an actual DF druid character and I'm also interested to hear how you guys would handle Atticus' Necklace.

DFRPG / Druidry in the Dresden-verse (ala Iron Druid style)
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:55:56 PM »
Hey guys,
I'm kind of a newb to the rules and I (hopefully) have a new campaign beginning and was wanting to play a druid, much like the druids found in Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicle novels. If you haven't read them you should check them out, they're really good.

The primary feature of these druids is Spellcasting ability when standing on natural earth (soil, sand, stone, gravel, etc) but not when they're 'cut-off' from the earth (ie on concrete or in a building). Also when connected to the earth they can gain enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and recovery time.

Druids have the ability to create and/or destroy bindings, where druids take two organic materials and create/destroy invisible bonds between them. These materials can be dirt, stone, wood, metal, flesh, etc and need not be bound to a like material. This allows druids to do things like disarm opponents by binding the leather of a knife handle to a cave wall or survive a lethal poison by reacting quickly to break the poison down into it's base compounds.

Of course, being druids, they have the ability to shape shift, in this case into four distinct forms: a hooved form (horse, stag, ram), a combat form (jaguar, wolfhound, black bear), a flight form (a falcon, an owl, eagle) and an aquatic form (otter, walrus, sea lion).

Any thoughts? (I'll save my meager ideas for after I've heard from more experienced players)

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