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Messages - TwinFlower

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Building a Devil's Trap and Anti-Possession Tattoos
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:57:44 PM »
Devil trap, thaurmagty (you get what I mean) a block/grapple within demonlogy, the books states demonolgy states it can be used against demons.

Anti-possession tattoos, -2 refresh supernatrual power +4 to resist possession. How I would stat it at least.

DFRPG / Re: Autumn Court Homebrew
« on: January 03, 2015, 11:13:40 AM »
Lady Kuma Lisa                           Fatepoint 0
High concept                              Refresh 0
Fox Trickster of the [Court of your choice]
Loves a game of riddles
Humans are interesting. Stupid, but interesting.
Eyes and ears for the [Fae Noble of your choice].

As a Fae
Deceit +4
Presence +4
Empathy +3
Lore +3
Survival +2
Investigation +2
Alertness +1
Bows +1

As a Fox
Athletics +4
Fist +4
Stealth +3
Alertness +3
Endurance +2
Investigation +2
Survival +1
Discipline +1

Stunts and Powers
Beast change -1 [Skill shuffle, Fox]
Echoes of the beast -1
Inhuman Speed -2
Human form +1
   Claws -1
   Supernatural Speed -4
Game of riddles -1 [Use Deceit instead of Scholarship to figure out riddles.]
The Catch +1
   Inhuman toughness -2
Glamor -2

Feel free to rearrange stuff and alter as you need it. I think she would maybe be sort of like Jenny Greenteeth? a Handmaided of someone more powerful. There is a opposite of Kuma Lisa as well, Kumcho Vulcho. If you feel like doing anything with that.

DFRPG / Re: Autumn Court Homebrew
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:09:09 PM »
If you want, I have a addtion to make to the Court (Or maybe the Spring side of it)

Kuma Lisa, a trickster fox of Russian folklore. Will add stats and such if you want it.

DFRPG / Re: Spells and more spells. Chain Challenge
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:28:52 PM »
You contact your past self from the frozen wastes of the South Pole and tell him that he should probably wear thermals tomorrow.

Necromancy skill replacement: Rapport

Stealing the memories of a charismatic ghost.

Earth attack Baron Samedi Sponsord magic

DFRPG / Spells and more spells. Chain Challenge
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:21:45 AM »
I notice how some people limits their spells. Everyone knows you can shoot fireballs and Magic missle and force shields. But those are a little too boring if you ask me. So here is what I would call a chain challenge.
I'll write a spells, what it does mechanicly.

Spirit Attack Weapon X Physical stress.

Now someone else gets to explain what this spell is, is it a magic missle? A wave of force? Get as creative as you possible can. When you are done with that, you add your own "boring" mechanic for a spell for somone else. Or for those looking for a more diffcult challange, use elements that maybe dont make too much sense? Like a Fire Block for perception (Fire veil).

In short, go nuts with your spell ideas. And lets make all the wizards out there a little more flavorful.

My spell is: Water Block X for Mental attacks

DFRPG / Road trip! A plan for a Pick up and play set of characters.
« on: May 25, 2014, 07:29:23 PM »
Hi everyone, Ye so, I am aiming to set up a RP group with premades, all of them being made from the Minor talent template or something similar. My goal with the premades are that it would be pick up and play, something I can bring to conventions and use to introduce people to the DFRPG. for this I so far have 5 (working on a 6th) characters done. Thought I would post them here and hope for some feedback.

I placed all of them on "feet in the water" power level since it assumes the characters know very little of the Supernatuarl and the Supernatrual knows little of them. Without further addo, here are the muppet show.

Blake Horton

(click to show/hide)

Cathy Hardy

(click to show/hide)

Derek Estrada

(click to show/hide)

Hollie Malcom

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Steven Walton

(click to show/hide)

Any tips, suggestions or warnings you would have are welcome. I'll add the 6th one when he/she/it is done.

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