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Messages - Theogony_IX

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DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic Question
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:55:06 PM »
I would say no, enchanted items must also fit within the sponsors realm of effect.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:06:36 PM »
Can critique stunts, though.

This seems worryingly powerful.
Yeah, it basically gives two actions for one.  I'm not sure how to do this without making it too weak though.  If the penalty were a -2, then you might as well just maneuver for the aspect.  The idea here is that you spend a little extra time on your attack to make it extra powerful often staggering your opponent.  Can you think of a good way to model that?

I think it would be better to take a stunt letting him wield that pistol with Weapons. This is one of those cases where optimizing makes the sheet feel more natural, if you ask me.
Good call.

There probably shouldn't stack, at least not fully. That being said, I wouldn't blink if you wanted to make the sword weapon 3 normally.
Stunts should be able to add 2 stress on the back end.  Is it too broad of a bonus?  The idea here is that there are actually two different weapons that you switch between for differing combat situations.  A faster, weaker straight-sword and a slower, stronger great-sword.  What if there were a -1 penalty on accuracy for this to model it's slowness?  How would you add additional stress on the back end from that?  Still 2 or would you bump it up to 3.

I can't say I like this maneuver-with-special-rules set-up. There's gotta be a better way to stat this kind of ability.

Also, I don't think taking supplemental actions in response to attacks works very well.
Yeah, I was definitely playing fast and loose with the rules here.  It should probably just be a static boost.

Feels weak. You can already make maneuvers, you shouldn't need a stunt to move people with KNOCKED BACK.

Also, this doesn't really feel like a mortal stunt.
I was thinking it was a common ritual, something that mortals can do without any supernatural powers.  And I was under the assumption that if it's an odd sort of action your character takes regularly, you should probably make it a stunt; YS318 - Adjudicating Skills.

Bag of Tricks doesn't work this way. It doesn't let you spend multiple slots on an item. Also, you can only spend 1 Refresh on more items.

Ritual (Crafting) and a Refinement will give you a similar amount of power, though. And it'll let you spend stress for extra uses.
I didn't realize that . . .

If you want to give more feedback, I'll update the write up with your suggestions.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:37:46 PM »
I might be able to help with this actually.  I'm currently working on my second play through of Bloodborne.  Sanctaphrax, you may be able to better optimize it.

So Bloodborne is an RPG that allows for differing character builds.  As a result, the Hunter isn't a static thing, but can vary depending on your stat choice and weapon choice.  Here is one based on Ludwig's Holy Blade with most of the focus on the two damage stats, Strength and Skill.  I'll post another a little later focused on Skill and Arcane.

Ludwig's Holy Blade - Quality Build
(click to show/hide)

EDIT:  Second Build

Blade of Mercy - Skill and Arcane
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« on: August 17, 2016, 04:22:11 PM »
I like that Sanctaphrax.  So with a 1 refresh stunt, you'd let them choose a different control skill and a different power skill?

DFRPG / Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« on: August 16, 2016, 04:13:22 PM »
Seems fair to me.

DFRPG / Re: An Option For Failed Counterspell Assessments
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:32:14 PM »
Let me understand this right.  You fail your assessment, but want to make a guess.  The spell is 6 shifts.  So you roll the dice to see how close to that target you get with your guess.  You roll a -2 on the dice.  So you decide to guess that the spell is 4 shifts.  You mark off the appropriate stress box and cast your counterspell  It fails.  Right?

Okay, so what about the +4 roll.  Now you have a guess of +10.  But you don't have the stress boxes available to cover that and don't want to take consequences.  Then what do you do?

DFRPG / Re: Point threshold?
« on: August 09, 2016, 11:20:30 PM »
No, lycanthopes only go through mental and spiritual changes, not physical changes.  They gain powers, but their outsides stay the same.

Let’s get this clear up front: lycanthropes are not werewolves—though they share some traits in common. But where werewolves change their bodies, lycanthropes change only their minds, aligning their thoughts and senses with those of a beast.

It seems "shapeshifting" can apply to internal shifts and not just external shifts.

EDIT:  Beast Change is the power that dictates external shifts.

DFRPG / Re: Point threshold?
« on: August 09, 2016, 05:38:33 PM »
Not really. Human Form denotes a change of, well, form. Earth elementals stay the same shape when they leave the ground. And Involuntary Human Form without changing form is just Limitation with a non-scaling cost.

This isn't necessarily true.  Lycanthropes don't change physical form, but they take the Human Form (Involuntary Change) power.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Mental Attacks & Thaumaturgy Attack Spells
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:22:14 PM »
Related question, would you allow a successful maneuver to be tagged for effect to make some defend at Mediocre, or skip their action for the round?  Or would you require a FP?

Can anyone weigh in on this for me?

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Mental Attacks & Thaumaturgy Attack Spells
« on: August 05, 2016, 09:37:56 PM »
Related question, would you allow a successful maneuver to be tagged for effect to make some defend at Mediocre, or skip their action for the round?  Or would you require a FP?

DFRPG / Re: Winter Court and Summer Court Balance of Power
« on: August 04, 2016, 09:06:10 PM »
Trap or capture any of the queens (though not the mothers really).
Push any of the queens into an action outside their normal realm of influence.
Invade a section of Faerie with enough force to demand a response from one or the other of the queens strong enough to leave them open.

DFRPG / Re: Power point threshold?
« on: July 24, 2016, 05:50:27 PM »
Let me see if I understand this right.  He has a shapeshifting power like Human Form that is attached to an IoP.  So he doesn't have the IoP unless he is in his beast form?  If that is the case, then it doesn't make sense, and you should absolutely call him out on it because he is circumventing the rules meant to keep IoP rebates in check.

Or does he have an IoP that offers Human Form, meaning that his character is not naturally human?  If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with the set up.  But, if no other PC is pushed that hard, it can create more work for you as the GM as you try to balance opposition and shift spotlight.  (Which are valid reasons to require adjusting a build, by the way.)

Now, as for your philosophical point, where is the line?  I don't know that there is an objective line if all of the rules are followed.  This is a naturally arbitrary game.  The line is wherever you place it.  Each time your players roll a Declaration, you are drawing an arbitrary line of whether you will allow it, and again for how difficult it should be.  For purchasing powers, as the GM, you can take control of the game and tell your players where the line is, or you can allow them to tell you where they want the line to be.

I have a character that has 17 refresh worth of powers before The Catch and Rebates, including two 0 refresh powers.  I wanted to push the bounds with that character, and I wanted him to feel like a real power in the world, so I built in a way that it all makes justifiable sense as far as character is concerned.  On the other hand, I would not be surprised if a GM saw the build and told me that there was far too much going on.  Another GM might be happy to have the character in his or her game.  (See Jake Carrington in my sig.  I even removed one 0 refresh power in that write up, "Aura of Influence".)

tldr;  It's up to you and your players where you draw the line.  And it's up to you, as the GM, which of your own lines you enforce in your group regardless of the players' desires.

DFRPG / Re: Transformation: True Shapeshifting vs. Magic
« on: July 05, 2016, 05:13:27 PM »
I had a druid character put together for a game.  The game died shortly after it started, but the character build was sound.  Transformation is definitely thaumaturgy.  You have two basic options here:

You'd need either full Thaumaturgy, or you'd need Ritual in Biomancy, or in Transformation and Disruption, and you'd need "Mastery of" Biomancy or Transformation and Disruption to cast transformation at Evocation's Speed.  You'd also need some serious Specializations and Focus in that area.  Transforming with magic is difficult stuff and requires lots of shifts, which is why its so impressive when Listens to Wind does it.  This is how Paranet Papers outlines transformations.

3 Shifts for an aspect to represent a new High Concept
2 Shifts for each point of refresh the powers you are adopting will cost
1 Shift in consequences for each point of refresh the powers you are adopting will cost (This should technically be an actual consequence taken by the target of your spell and is something that I require for transformation in my games (except when the person is transforming themselves or transforming in order to heal.  I still require the shifts to be a part of the spell though, just no consequences taken).  If you are transforming another person to give them super powers, they will need to take consequences to accept those powers or you will need to inflict those consequences on them.  If they accept the consequences themselves, then you don't need to bring those shifts yourself, but if you are transforming someone against their will then those shifts are handled like an attack, so you add additional shifts to overcome their Endurance score and possible defense roll.)

In my games, [shifts needed to transform yourself] = 3+(3x[the refresh cost of the powers]).

Say you want to be a gorilla.  You want Hulking Size and Supernatural Strength.  That's 6 points of refresh.  3+3x6=21.  That's 21 shifts to transform yourself into a gorilla.  That is . . . a lot.

The other, more easily attainable option, mechanically speaking, is to simply take modular abilities and have that model your transformation magic, but that means that is the only kind of thaumaturgy you are likely to do.  You wouldn't be able to do the rest magic offers without spending the refresh for it, and that becomes difficult at the normal levels of refresh.  I kind of split the difference in my character.

My character, Paul Williamson, externalized his transformations into a wolf companion named Voss.  Follow the link to see his build.

DFRPG / Re: Magicborn Template
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:46:36 PM »
Believe me we discussed A LOT about wether or not we should do it, we even had a Warden of the Council finally submit to the idea only to supervise we don't create a world shattering abomination  :P

Please tell me that despite your precautions this was, in fact, the result, and now you have to hunt your creation down.

DFRPG / Re: Foci and Specializations Houserule Idea
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:56:58 AM »
What if each element was better at a particular action?  Like, each element can block/attack/maneuver/counterspell/veil but some are better than others.
Air = maneuver
Earth = block
Water = counterspell
Spirit = veil

You're still better specializing in one element. For example, say Earth gives +1 Shift to Blocks. Which would you rather have:

+4 power/control for Fire

+2 Power/Control for Earth, and +2 Power/Control for Fire

The Fire specialist has +4 Shifts for Blocks, while the Earth/Fire generalist has only +3 shifts for Blocks. There's still no reason to mix your specializations.

Honestly, this may be the most elegant path to a solution, but the focus here is wrong.  You don't want to make elements more or less efficient at particular actions, you want to give them a unique trapping, like spirit and veils.  Veils comes from thaumaturgy, so you could do the same for the other elements and pull trappings from thaumaturgy types.

This would give you incentives to specialize in something other than a single element.  It strays from what we see in the books though, so it might not sit well with people who like to model the books closely.

The other option is to rule out certain actions for different elements.  For example, spirit is the only element that can perform blocks vs perception, earth is the only element that can perform an evocation grapple, fire is the only element that can perform zone wide blocks, etc.

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