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Messages - biagiotti

Pages: [1]
Cinder Spires Books / Re: Cinder Spires Release Question
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:03:26 AM »
Please tell me he will be at dragon con. I finally got to meet the guy last year after 10 years of reading his stuff amd all I could do was stutter. My wife is still making fun of me saying you Meet your hero amd the best you get out is me uh have name.


1.  Something to do with the black council. Payback for almost killing him. Why lash failed. Nothing to do with theft. Nic always seems to say he wants to do something but it turns out to have nothing to do with the orignal purpose.

2. Doesn't matter he always lies and soul fire or his ability over demons(outsiders)

3. Shagnasty
Evil bob

4. Leah because not only can she withstand temptation but for some reason jim didn't involve her in cold days. A farie book where he saw just about every farie he has ever mentioned including friggin Santa Claus. Possibly molly so he can talk to her or help her.

5. Sanya will show up and die. And someone who they haven't met will take up a sword.

6. Probably repayment for arctis tor.
"Mab always repays her debts"

7. Lash and she will break free of the infection giving her life again for harry.

8. Sanyas ex will give up her coin saving the day.

9. A. Nic dies. B. Nic gives up coin and takes up a sword. C. Maggie Sr will make an appearance revealing something from harrys past.

10. "Go to hell"
"That is incredibly unfair"
Something from spiderman

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