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Messages - Velgron

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Are Vamps and Werewolves too overdone?
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:49:10 PM »
The main character was going to be the projects weapons trainer who resigns his post after seeing the projects final results. He would also have help from some of the people from the town in which the hammer and scythe project was located. I realize alot of back story will be needed and I think following a police angle against him only to have the police see the light and then side with him or help him in some capacity would be pretty cool. I also thought to make the main character a Scythe infantrymen who kep most of his true humanity and does not agree with the leadership inside the group and wants to stop them. Maybe I could make a sort of mercenary group out of townsfolk. the weapons trainer. and a dissatisfied scythe project infantryman....

Author Craft / Re: Are Vamps and Werewolves too overdone?
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:21:06 AM »
After some consideration I've dropped the typical fantasy setting and the typical fantasy character archetypes of the elves and etc...
Instead I am planning on setting the novel in a post apocalyptic future where all of the worlds super powers were overthrown simultaniously through hackers tapping into nuclear weapons systems, Disease Control Centers, and the like. The idea of country no longer exists and anarchy is the law of the land. The only place where there is hope and law and a decent standard of living is in Germany and Russia (sorry I just love the landscape and history of the two countries). The ruling figures of the two countries join forces and dump vast amounts of money into what they call the hammer and scythe project. The projects goal is to create an army that is totaly unstoppable. They use genetic engineering and nanotechnology to amp the reflexes and strength of those in the hammer unit of hammer and scythe. They also used genetic splicing to give them a monstrous appareance... the appearance of thick fur and razor sharp claws the knees back jointed and feet looking like paws...  making the men look more like Lupine beasts... even worse... Werewolves. The Scythe project has the same basic objectives but instead of infantry the aim is to make a perfect spec ops team. The same techniques were used except in addition to hieghtened strength and reflexes it heightened their intelligence. Genetic splicing was also used but there are no noticable changes except for the claws and grayish skin... that is until you looked upon thier backs and saw the massive wings... wings of a daemon. With this Germany and Russia would rise to dominate the rest of the world... that is until their creations ambitions outstretch that of themselves.

Thats basically what its going to be about... wondering what yall think

Author Craft / Re: Are Vamps and Werewolves too overdone?
« on: September 19, 2007, 04:30:34 AM »
I wish I had a character as such as beckinsale. I realize that it does sound similar but what I stated was the broad plot line. I plan on now having the vamps and werewolves as enemies per se in this. They also wont stick to the shadows. The actual story will be much more complicated... but then again I just came up with this idea earlier today.

Author Craft / Are Vamps and Werewolves too overdone?
« on: September 19, 2007, 03:37:48 AM »
Thinking of writing first novel. Basic fantasy setting with elves and all that jazz, but im incorporating werewolves and vampires. Basic plot line is that the main character witnesses his family's slaughter at the hands of vampires and is saved by a werewolf. The child grows up and goes out for revenge however the vamps and wolves have formed an alliance through crime syndicates and so forth which makes things difficult etc... just wondering if this is too overdone or would be too stale.

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