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Messages - Coreyartus

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Video Examples of DFRPG Gameplay?
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:33:41 PM »
My group of longtime friends is taking up Dresden Files, our first Fate-system game experience.  The transition from d20-based gaming is challenging, but we are very much enjoying our bumbling through things and want to indulge even more.

1) While the rules are fantastically fun to read, we've found them somewhat dense and thick to plow through, and some of us have sought out video examples of DFRPG play.  Are there any current examples of play that the folks on this forum find particularly useful or fun to follow?

2) Knowing that the current Fate Core rules are similar (but also knowing the system has evolved slightly since the advent of DFRPG), would you recommend wrapping our heads around the Fate Core system books to facilitate gleaning the DFRPG material?

Thanks so much!  We are truly having a blast with this as we're all major Dresden fans, and our current adventures in our city are off the hook!  We are finding the sense of storytelling freedom to be exhilarating (if sometimes paralyzing by virtue of having so much player agency)!  Currently, we are observing that our previous RPG experiences have been about figuring out "what the rules would let us do" vs. our current experience of "what we want to do and figure out which rules make it possible".  And that's fun!  But a little like jumping off a cliff!  ROFL!  Whee! 

Any finger pointing toward some play examples would be most useful!  Thank-you so much!

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