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Messages - a3dfiend

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Another line of thinking is expressed when Eb and Listens to Wind are talking to Martha Liberty before the meeting too. They imply that Dresden is going to be blamed because he was taught by Dumourne, and Dumourne was taught by Simon. But they dont know about Elaine being an apprentice too, so they never bring up that option. So if Simon really was killed, it could have been Elaine who let the reds in. If however, Simon turns out to be Cowl, then Elaine could be Kumori returning to her master's master to complete her training. Her placement within the Summer Court could also be part of Cowls plans, slowly infecting each group from the inside. She appears to defect from Aurora to help Harry, then again she is part of the group of dying women in WN, but Cowl is working against the White Court so it makes sense for her to be on the inside there too "helping" Harry until the Skavis targeted her. She is too banged up to help Cowl at the White Court coup, but gets immediately put on the inside of the Paranet when it is created. So if she is working for Cowl/Simon, she is going to be in that same position in the future when she will be forced to choose sides.

DF Spoilers / Re: Another bit of possible foreshadowing
« on: October 11, 2018, 04:11:19 PM »
Murphy and the police couldnt find it, but that doesnt mean he couldnt get supernatural help to do so. Just like Mab found his Amulet. I was just saying that it could be possible, not likely. And I dont think it has to do with his blood being on it either. I think it is just a connection or significance with how influential the person it happened to kill was. And even Odin told Dresden that he had been dead and came back again. I think if Jim wanted to use it as a device the logic would hold up, however, if he did it might protect Dresden in the end just because it was his own killing bullet...

DF Spoilers / Another bit of possible foreshadowing
« on: October 10, 2018, 11:18:27 PM »
I was listening to Even Hand the other day, and the bit about getting a special bullet to scribe the rune to kill Mag(or Dresden) got me thinking that it would be a great opportunity for Marcone to drag the lake for the bullet used to kill Dresden the 1st time. The "men of his caliber" line is a bad pun I think, but still. What better ammunition to kill Dresden than the same freaking bullet used again? Just an observation, nothing new here...

Has anyone ever compiled a list of all the stuff that is "off" in PG? Just a bullet point list of the things that dont add up to the rest of the series or dont line up with the events of the big picture?
After reading the series so many times, I kind of think that PG doesnt take place in the same timeline/reality as the rest of the series. Just to name one thing really quick: Why does the sign in Mac's say "Accorded Neutral Ground" instead of the "Accorded Neutral Territory" like all of the other books post GP?
Maybe Ill try to set up a list like that and post it on its own thread after reading it again...

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