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Messages - Adak

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Not really having to do with the nature of Lacuna but I would like to see Harry assign her to be a guardian/messenger for him to Maggie.  Harry has Toot to be Captain of his house guard, Lacuna could become that for Maggie.

Thanks for the new topic. 

Interesting theory.  Makes me wonder why she wanted to duel Toot and the others for the Pizza, though (see below). 

Ive been thinking that maybe it has something to do with the Fae views of Gifts and Repayment.  We know that the Fae are incapable of accepting a gift without giving something equivalent in return, and given how highly they regard pizza it's no surprise that Toot and Co have interpreted that as Lifelong Service and Loyalty.  When offered food Lacuna, by contrast, asked for weak tea, curdled milk, and one of the most nutritionally empty foods known to man.  Such foods would have less value by far that The Pizza.  If however, she dueled them for the Pizza, then it would be the spoils of war and not a gift....

PS  Werent the original Tooth fairies little things that would eat your teeth, more of a tooth troll or something?

I like this as another possible reason for her aversion to pizza though I'm not sure it accounts for the fury in her voice when talking about children and candy.

DF Reference Collection / Lacuna's true nature (theory) [CD Spoilers]
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:40:19 AM »
The problem with pizza was hinted by Lacuna in CD.  It's not firm at all, but she seemed rather distressed that they were eating it as if it could have some bad ramifications.  (they could be imagined, or the ramifications might only be important to someone with Lacuna's particular quirks, but they could be significant too)

I have thought that Lacuna was apposed to pizza and candy because she was a tooth fairy and apposed to any junk food, though I don't know of any confirmation of my guess.

Edit:  I thought the Lacuna=Tooth Faerie idea was so cool I exercised my curator powers to split that part of the topic off to make this dedicated topic for it.  This way others that aren't following the older topic are more likely to be exposed to it, and later it can be stored in the DFRC as a stand alone theory.  -Serack

Edit 2:  Jim said here that he kinda included who Lacuna is into her name.  Jump down to this post to see how this discussion has already covered this. -Serack

DF Reference Collection / Re: The science of gravity spells.
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:20:11 PM »
If you want to see some more crazy numbers figure the amount of Ice it would take to Float that building section in CD, then see how much power it would take to make that much ice.  The numbers become crazy if you assume free floating ice.

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