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Messages - Brokentusk

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Hulking size and Fists questions
« on: June 15, 2013, 04:27:25 AM »
Does the +2 to break thing in Everything is Small apply to grapples? Technically, he would be trying to break whoever was in his giant sized hands.

Also brass knuckles/spiked gauntlets/etc. Weapons or fist skill to use?

DFRPG / Re: Organizing an DF RPG Online Game
« on: May 03, 2013, 06:46:26 AM »
Our group use to use AIM chat but then we found and its been working pretty well for us. I'm not the DM but he says the maps are easy to upload, and the tokens are easy to manipulate.

1. A WCV is facing off against a Changeling with inhuman speed. They are both in the same zone. Neither one is restrained, prone, or hampered in anyway. Does the WCV need to make a Fists roll to touch the Changeling, or is that included in the deceit/intimidation roll to Incite Emotion? Can the Changeling roll Athletics (with obvious speed bonus) instead of Discipline?

2. A Scion with Incite Emotion, at Range, Emotional Vampire and feeding dependency, and lasting emotion. If the target is 1 zone away when the scion uses incite emotion can they feed right away as per the If you have the Incite Emotion ability, inciting the emotion  and feeding on it may be done as a single action, based on a single roll pg YS189?

3. When combining the Emotion Feed and Incite Emotion is it treated as an attack plus block/manuever? For example: Jack a WCV is fighting Christy a mortal vampire hunter. Jack gets in close and hits her with a +6 Incite Emotion maneuver "I make you horny, baby" and if successful wants to feed right away. Christy gets a +4 on the Discipline roll. Does this mean she takes a 2 mental stress hit ( from the feeding) and gets the sticky aspect, or just the 2 stress hit,  or just the aspect? What if Jack has Lasting Emotion as well? Or am I reading it wrong when it says This is done as a psychological attack with an appropriate skill pg YS189 and the only benefit of feeding in combat is the +1 you get next turn (or if you kill someone)

4. Does the +2 only apply to maneuvers caused by Incite Emotion and not blocks or attacks?

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