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Messages - sethbrayman

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Can you prolong an attack spell?
« on: September 20, 2017, 04:48:50 PM »
Because if you can only add duration to a block or maneuver, why would you put "especially" there?

Yes I thought the same at first, but then it says:
Normally, you’d assign shifts of power to make
the spell persist longer than an exchange.
However, this makes the lifespan of very
powerful effects depressingly short.
Alternately, you can actively funnel more
energy into an evocation to maintain it, but this
takes up your standard action for the round.

The use of the words "alternatively" and "normally" to me could indicate that there would be an original way of doing it, so not an attack. The vague wording, like you point out, is vexing :)

I think the thread linked as a post update by Taran is as close as I'm going to get to official errata or the like.
Edit:  found it:,17115.msg776018.html#msg776018

Thanks much!

DFRPG / Re: Can you prolong an attack spell?
« on: September 20, 2017, 02:34:08 PM »
While the section on attacks clearly does not include shifts for persistence, the section on prolonging spells on YS259 gives a way to prolong spells that does not include adding shifts of persistence to the initial spell using its base mechanics. It works differently from how you would normally exchange shifts for persistence in a block or maneuver. It does not specify any restrictions on type of spell. How does this interact with attack spells?

I am not sure if this goes against the spirit of an attack or not, in the books a continued flamethrower effect might be cannon depending on how you interpret it through game rules. Balance wise the reduced cost of extending powerful block using this method might offset the ability to continue a powerful attack.

I'm looking for any official information from someone like a game designer, if they are on this board, or something in the text that specifically allows/disallows the prolonging of attack spells. Or perhaps a previous thread that answered this definitively. I have searched but found very little.  Thank you.

DFRPG / Can you prolong an attack spell?
« on: September 20, 2017, 03:38:28 AM »
I can't tell if the section on prolonging spells on YS259 is saying yes or no on that.  Any official word?

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