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Messages - AesopsInvestigations

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Working on Chapter 4, while also writing a series bible for a UF serialized fiction. With the latter I'm going to do it sorta like a TV show. In other words each story will be an 'episode', I'm just not sure how many stories are going to make up a season. I want to get a couple of the ep's written before I go to press. Then maybe write as I go, listening to reader feedback.

Then at the end of the season, compile them all into one book with say "DVD" extras. Like thoughts on the writing process, maybe notes etc etc etc. My goal (at this point) is to have the first episode ready by January.

Author Craft / Re: Your Pet Urban Fantasy Cliche Peeves
« on: May 03, 2013, 05:26:37 PM »
Have you read Mira Grant's "Newsflesh" series? For those not in the know, "Mira" is actually UF author Seanan McGuire, whose Toby Daye series is a peer of TDF, and the lady knows snark, epidemiology, the whole damn horror genre and how to spin a cliché back into something interesting. "Newsflesh" is easily one of my favorite series of the past decade.

I'm OCD enough that going the other direction, saying that one mythos obtains while others don't, bugs me; I can't see why just one could be true and no others. Plus, it takes a big pair (of cerebral lobes, duh) to take on all the world's mythology and at least make a nice dent in incorporating them. At the very least, it makes a wide-open, potentially HUGELY rich resource for the author when he doesn't just limit himself to one take on one mythos.

As a TV show I think Supernatural is doing it right as to lumping most mythos into one universe. They've even toyed around with Fae as well.

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