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Messages - vyshan

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Wizards's and the mediveal era
« on: March 11, 2013, 06:39:59 AM »
Ah I did not know that thanks :)

As for the Schism war. it came about during a period of chaos. Prior to the war, House Tytalus was corrupted by diabolists and then purged, but this brought just fear and suspicion to the Order. Intrigue, competition, and skirmishes escalated tensions and added to an atmosphere of distrust that began to dominate the Order. Differences of opinion led to frequent wizard's wars and raids against covenant resources.

The confusion thus bred led to an open conflagration as old feuds were sparked anew and recent disagreement grow into open hatred. Some houses became insular and retreated into hiding, while others became increasingly violent to deter potential attackers or to resolve personal grudges.The quaesitors* lost effective control as the magi all but stopped obeying their orders. Sides shifted continually and chaos threatened to consume the Order.

It was during this time that House Tremere fought many Wizards War against House Diedne. House Tremere is a highly militarized and orderly house;also a house with a strong ectomancy tradition. Tremere is a house which sought to make the order stronger with itself at the top.  This contrasts with House Diedne who were the Descendants of Druids. House Diedne was an insular, secretive house; that mainly cared to be focus on their magic; they had a strong tradition of evocation.

This was a break down of politics due to the chaos of the time. No one was in the right and when the dust settled after House Diedne was renounced for being infernalists, and the rest of the order wanted to patch things up asap. Tremere and their allies lost about half if not more of their numbers fighting the wizards of Diedne.

*quaesitors: they are like wardens but more lawyeresqu and not so quick to just kill someone for breaking the code of hermes.

DFRPG / Re: Wizards's and the mediveal era
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:35:28 AM »
Here is a question. In the Dresden-verse how long has the White Council been around? The leader is called the Merlin, but no idea if the postion was around when Merlin might have existed or not. Mainly as I was thinking that the white council or the seeds of it, could have formed out of the ashes of the Schismatic war in order to prevent such a tragic event from happening again.

DFRPG / Re: Wizards's and the mediveal era
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:47:37 PM »
I've been long of the opinion (based on the setting) that while The Council is an omnibus governing body, that wizards themselves probably have other sects and orders within them. I don't buy into the idea that there would be zero diversity of institution among wizards from that many different cultures.

For your concept, you could still very well have The Council in the background, and have the Order of Hermes being their own order within it. They're not mutually exclusive if you tweak it just right.

Oh? Could you explain a little more on this? But this does seem like an interesting concept of tying the two together. :)

DFRPG / Re: Wizards's and the mediveal era
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:23:30 PM »
Thanks, I should have thought of those ideas sooner. heh

I think it's an exciting period to run a game, and I think the Dresden-verse is well suited to it. Would you care to share some thoughts you're having for your game?

Well the game is sort of Dresden-verse. Sort of in the fact that I am using the Order of Hermes from Ars Magica instead of the White Council. The game itself is set in Ireland right when Brian Boru became High King of Ireland, 1002 C.E, and in Ars Magica's time line a year or so before the Schismatic war occurs. Ireland in this time period is rather fascinating.

This came out of a desire to use a system other then Ars Magica's system, and the dresden files system is a good one that I enjoy. Also I see more politics with the usage of the house system from Ars Magica. Though beyond the magi of the Order most of the rest of the setting will be drawn from the dresden-verse.

DFRPG / Wizards's and the mediveal era
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:28:50 PM »

I am thinking of using the dresden files to run a game in the Medieval era. This does bring up one question though. The books mention that wizards screw up technology. How though would this work in the medieval era? Ideas and suggestions are welcome.


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