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Messages - marrer

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Writing vs. Typing
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:01:49 AM »
When I write I try to do it on the computer, not because of how I grew up, or that I don't like hand writing my stuff (I do); I do my writing on the computer because that is the only way I keep up with my head.  Its kind of like an explosion...all of my thoughts shooting out at once.  Hand writing is great, and personally it is more reliable than the computer, I've lost tons of stuff over the years for various reason.  I don't really lose anything hand written unless well someone messes with my stuff then its just gone heheh.  Both methods are great, I just tend to miss thoughts here and there that could've added more flavor to the story.

DFRPG / How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:18:44 AM »
I'm planning on starting a campaign, and am trying to get people interested in joining; however, most of the people I've talked to Don't really know what The Dresden Files (I know it is a crime against everything that matters) let alone what the world it takes place in is like.  Hence, I've been thinking about how to go about describing things to them: like how magic users can affect technology, the different vampire courts, what the White Council is, etc..  I'm curious to know how you all would explain it so that maybe I can draw from you to give those whom I talk to about this a better, clearer understanding.  Because I had a big long discussion with one guy who wanted to play a technomancer--no not the music  ;), but rather in the sense of technology.  I explained to him about the oil and water effect casters tend to have with technology, and redirected him with a few possible ways he might get an idea like what he's thinking through an alternative route, but that isn't really important heheh.  Interested to see how you guys respond.

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