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Messages - studer

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DFRPG / Re: Home-brew Setting House Rules
« on: December 05, 2012, 05:17:08 PM »
ways: have you read any of L. E. Modesitt, Jr's Recluce novels? There are chaos wizards that work like you are suggesting, order wizards with subtle magics of great long term impact, and a few folks that manage to combine the two. Might be of interest for ideas on the why and how of the magic in your game.

DFRPG / Re: Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:50:51 PM »
admiralducksauce: RAW?

All: I agree about going free-form instead of Templates, but that's no reason not to fix them. Not all games are Templateless.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:39:47 PM »
Lavecki121: I would read that to mean the player may take other -1/-2 Refresh powers than just the Minor Ability and Psychic Ability lists allow. The rules are explicitly giving the GM the right to bend the Template in therms of power choices, not the 1 power at -1 or -2 limit.

DFRPG / Re: Synthesist Template
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:07:42 AM »
Seems like a reasonable Template to me. It can't be built by the spirit of any current template. It's like Sponsored Magic for Powers. Good idea.

DFRPG / Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:05:32 AM »
A Pure Mortal gets a +2 Refresh for having no powers. All the other Templates have less restrictions on what Powers they can buy and how much they can spend buying them. Should the Minor Talent Template perhaps receive a +1 Refresh to compensate for these limitations?

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:52:21 AM »
Mr. Death: noted :) Was thinking of "More than Human" and would need to change the "Secret Identity" Trouble Must to something else, or as a possibility. It's a good trouble for any kind of adventurer, really.

Lavecki121: as I pointed out above, Minor Talent gives you a whole lot less than this Template. Regardless, individual GMs can and should modify to suit their game, or reject it entirely if it doesn't make a good fit with their conception of the Dresdenverse.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:50:53 AM »
Thanks for the input.

All: I fully agree that this Template is not for all games, but in a world where Faeries, wizards, shapechangers, etc are real...well, we have folks in this world who try to play superhero. Nobody'd try this in Harry's world? Not for all games, but certainly possible.

GryMor: Emissary of Power is beholden to someone else for their power. Focused Practitioner is limited to Channeling and/or Ritual. The Scion is not so much a template as a concept with some suggestions. It also doesn't exactly fit the why and wherefore of how this type of character gets their powers. A Scion is the offspring of a human and something else. The idea behind this new Template is to allow a character that has things like Inhuman or Supernatural <ability> or a person to whom literally blending in the shadows or climbing up walls is innate to themselves. These things can be done as a Stunt or high Skill, but are also available as a Power. The Stunts are cheaper, but the Powers are less fallible.

Nick & Ghsdkgb: good points, but they have their own drawbacks. :)

Ghsdkgb: The upper limit on Refresh spent on initial powers is the Template's drawback. An Emissary of Power has the drawback of being reliant on a superior's good will. The Costumed Vigilante (super powered individual) Template's drawback is a restriction on the amount of initial powers. I went with -6 as an arbitrary limit that allowed a lot of interesting combinations. The -6 limit applies to Powers only, the character can still spend up to their full Refresh limit on Stunts. That being said, the -6 Refresh limit on Powers can be adjusted up or down by the GM to fit the needs of their game. A Minor Talent Template character only allows a max of -2 Refresh spent on a smaller list of Powers, so I figured I had to give the new Template some kind of restriction.

San: PS: I like your idea of no Templates.

DFRPG / Re: Pure mortal question
« on: December 01, 2012, 10:26:58 PM »
IMHO, that would make the character no longer a Pure Mortal. Pure Mortals get the +2 Refresh as a compensation for taking no Powers. I admit, there is no book Template that easily fits this character concept, but by taking a Power, like an Item of Power, a Pure Mortal has to forfeit the +2 Refresh they get for playing a Pure Mortal. However, you're the GM and final arbeiter of what is allowed in your game. If it doesn't bother you or your group, it's not wrong for your game.

You could make a new template or have it covered under Minor Talent or Focused Practitioner, but it doesn't fit the letter of either.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 01, 2012, 10:08:27 PM »
The main two objections I am seeing to the template are Wizard's Constitution shouldn't cost anything (per the rules) and the limit on the amount of Powers purchased, but those are easily tweaked. Otherwise, it is an OK template? Could these kinds of characters (Nick Fury, Captain America, ie better than human but not game unbalancingly so, and not in servitude to a supernatural superior. Nick Fury makes his boss mad, they can't pull his powers). Does it break the theme of the Dresdenverse? Would you allow something like this in your game as a GM?

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 01, 2012, 09:58:15 PM »
Llayne: if a version of Batman has a utility belt like Adam West's did, that would be an Item of Power and have the character Concept fall under the Costumed Vigilante Template. Otherwise, it's just a matter of having a character with a high Resources Skill. What do Casey Jones (TMNT) and the Punisher (Marvel) have that would make them not a Pure Mortal?

I used Costumed Vigilante for the Template name because it was the best name I could come up with at the time, it's not meant to be a straight jacket. Perhaps Pulp Hero or More Than Human would be better names. Casey Jones is just a tough guy with a golf bag full of baseball bats and hockey sticks. He fits right in under Pure Mortal. Nick Fury or the Black Panther aren't. They're faster, stronger and tougher than even an Olympic champion. They can't be made with a Pure Mortal Template, although Black Panther could be an Emissary of Power, but how do you make a character similar to Nick Fury or Captain America with the templates in the book? Characters like the Hulk or Superman are beyond the power levels of most games, but they would work under this template with a higher allowed Refresh penalty.

Mostly I made up this template to try and sell to the person who runs the DFRPG on letting me play this kind of character, so it's not for a Supers game.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 01, 2012, 09:41:02 PM »
San: How does a Pure Mortal recover from an Extreme Consequence like a maimed beyond recovery limb? How does a Pure Mortal explain away the aches, pains, and extended recovery that comes with now being 40 instead of late 20s? Seems to me like these are things worth having. Why *not* take Wizard's Recovery if it's free? What's the downside? I'm not suggesting that it should be a -1 Power for all templates, but I see it as a reasonable limitation on this particular one. I know we're all adults and should play like it, but then why do we need rules at all? Most of us get attached to our characters, even when they start off as Giovanni Condottiere, Mob Thug (Joe the Human Fighter) and try to wring every bit of good out of characters that we can. Since a lot of Costumed Vigilantes are going to be the party's muscle and meatshield, the ability to not get old and be able to recover from anything short of death or completely destroyed body parts is pretty useful.

(On an aside, am I misunderstanding Extreme Consequences? I know you can remove them at Major Milestones, but does this apply even if there's no logical reason? A character who's arm had been lopped off and not reattached in time, or paralyzed from the waist down could just remove that consequence by declaration or does there have to be a possible explanation? I understand that the Dresdenverse is not Twilight 2000, but we still need to follow the logic/rules of realty of the setting.)

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:25:33 AM »
I get that it's not an over powered trait, but it's too easy to work into the backstory of any superhuman.

"When I was bathed in the radiation from the Eye of Plotdevice, my body's aging process slowed down and my healing process sped up."

"When I was injected with the Uberdood Solution..."

"As an alien from the planet Freeblezortz..."

"When I was trained in the mystic arts of Kheyso at a remote monastery in Nepal..."

It fits a lot of "more than human" backgrounds and at the price of 0 is a freebie a lot of people would be tempted to add it on. Since it's appropriate to a lot of superheroic backgrounds, I wanted it to be an option, but since there are plenty of superheroes who don't have it, there has to be some way of only having those who really need it to get it. It's completely up to any GM who allows this template, though. Keep it free, charge for it, or disallow it at your pleasure.

Look at it this way. Can you think of a non-Quixotic reason a Wizard wouldn't take Wizardly Constitution? Admittedly, it's a part of their Concept, but it is not essential to the concept of a character who's More Than Human but doesn't fall into one of the other Templates.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: November 30, 2012, 10:18:27 PM »
But what would a character with no powers gain from taking the Costumed Vigilante template? A Pure Mortal could still take the Secret Identity trouble, wear a spandex bodysuit, mask, and cape. Good point about gaining new powers at milestones.

That would be up to the GM to establish an appropriate power level. The -6 refresh in power can be adjusted up or down per GM preference, and should not limit purchase of future powers at milestones.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: November 30, 2012, 09:14:58 PM »
To further clarify why a Batman/Punisher/Casey Jones type would not want to take the Costumed Vigilante template, they would get 2 less refresh for noting. Pure Mortal definitely benefits them more.

DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: November 30, 2012, 09:10:59 PM »
-6 allows combinations like:
Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Speed, Inhuman Toughness (or lose one for Inhuman Recovery)

Supernautral <ability>, Inhuman <ability>

Claws, Supernatural Sense, Inhuman Toughness, Inhuman Recovery

Spider Walk, Supernatural Speed

Supernatural Strength with the Mighty Thews Stunt makes for a character that can lift and throw quite a bit. Don't forget applying Aspects like Good Leverage, High Adrenalin (saving your spouse/kid/parent), etc. With a Superb Might character, supernatural strength, mighty thews, and the right personal and situational aspects firing, a character could get ~+13-15 for lifting, taking a character beyond Legendary and allowing them to lift and throw a car. Like with most games, you can't get everything you want, but you can usually make a character that's really good at the one thing ya just gotta have.

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