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Messages - vincentric

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DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's full name
« on: November 20, 2024, 09:57:34 PM »
The difference is Harry has no power over Mother Winter, but she has power or can have power over him, she can use his name against him.  In the case of Outsiders, because Harry is a star born, they have no power over him, so they cannot use his name against him.

Harry has power to affect Mother Winter, he summoned her, Titania and Mab(willing summons) in Cold Days. What he does not have is the power to compel them to obey him.

You have a free will problem.

Because if all of the monsters and half breeds don't have free will, then who or what is directing them? How do they come up with all these elaborate long-term plans? Sometimes people just make what we consider the evil choice just because that's their preference. Or are you saying that even mundane serial killers and sex offenders have lost their free will?

The monsters do have choices, but most are ruled by their base impulses. They are willful addicts, that embrace their vices for the short bursts of pleasure they get. Their leaders keep better control and only give in to the addiction in extremis. Indeed, it's considered a sign of weakness or senility among them if they begin to lose control.

That could be said of the Red Court Vampires as well, Bianca could act very civilized, until she got hungry or decided to attack.  The silver eyes signaling that the demon needs to feed to survive or is about to attack, what control did the host have over that? None, because the demon took over.  Also Thomas has no problem calling on the demon when he needs to fight, to help him. Thomas tried to control his demon and nearly starved to death..  Then there is the other aspect that Thomas confesses to Harry after the Skin Walker got to him, he enjoyed killing.  In short Thomas may have some control but his life depends on the demon, and the demon depends on him, neither can live without the other at this point.  In any contest between host and this parasite, the parasite always wins.. No, free will for Thomas or any other White Court vampire is an illusion. 

The only time the Red Court is comparable to the White Court is when they are not fully turned like Susan, Martin and others in the Fellowship of St. Giles. Susan demonstrated strength, speed, stamina and regenerative powers on par with Thomas that were fueled by blood and not lust. Reds don't become true monsters until after their first kill. They can then look and act human, but their humanity is gone.

Whites remain human throughout their lives but have superhuman abilities. But as long as they have made some effort in their early lives or are not pushed to their physical limits, they retain control of their demon. Both Thomas and Lara have been talked out of their silver eyed states. They enjoy their kills on a visceral level but are capable of feeling regret and guilt afterwards. If Lara couldn't control her daemon, she couldn't have given Thomas energy on the ride to Demonreach. If they didn't have free will. Uriel wouldn't have sympathy for them. Whites have free will but most of them accept or embrace being monsters, they just control their rampages better than most because they don't actually have to kill.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks line about Thomas
« on: October 31, 2024, 09:18:54 PM »
Harry specified that Thomas is only to be allowed to talk to others under the same level of imprisonment.

DF Spoilers / Re: How did Ebenezar know about this?
« on: October 13, 2024, 02:08:46 PM »
I know we love our WAG theories, but this question could have a very simple solution. Harry made reports of most of his adventure to the WC and only edited out parts that would get him in trouble. There was nothing questionable in that particular adventure, so it got reported and Eb read the report.

DF Spoilers / Re: Favourite Head Canons?
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:29:41 PM »
Huh?  What on Earth is the inspiration for that one?

Charity was kidnapped by a dragon. At the end of Cold Days, Mab says Molly was being prepared for a different role and while she says she would have been a better candidate for Summer Lady she does not say that was the role. Hope and Maggie would be very similar choices to younger Charity/Molly. Hope for the bloodline and Maggie for possible talent.

DF Spoilers / Re: Attitudes and opinions about DF changing with age?
« on: October 07, 2024, 06:44:46 PM »
A recurring cause of problems in the Dresden Files is that " Wizards keep too many secrets."

It's telling that Thomas, the White Court vampire, has been more open and honest with Harry than Ebeneezer has.

Thomas sought out Harry and cautiously sounded him out, established a friendly relationship and revealed their family relationship while also cautioning Harry against the rest of the White Court. Since then, Thomas has been at Harry's side through evil magicians, shapeshifter abduction and vampire wars, getting the worst of it and coming back for more.

Ebeneezer, in the course of training Harry in wizard ethics, never trusted Harry with the fact that he was his maternal grandfather which kept Harry ignorant of all related matters, doesn't trust Harry's judgement my minimalizing the issue when Harry tries to tell him about Chichen Itza, can't have a rational conversation about the White Court and refuses to teach Harry anything about what a Starborn unless they're about to be attacked by a pack of Outsiders.

So, even though I agree that White Court vampires can't be trusted, Harry has almost as much evidence against trusting wizards.

DF Spoilers / Re: Favourite Head Canons?
« on: October 07, 2024, 06:11:21 PM »
Molly was intended to marry a Dragon. Now that she's unavailable Hope and Maggie are being looked at for that role.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: October 02, 2024, 10:12:31 PM »
My own theories about the island is that its a known secret. All the major players know about it and for the sake of peace agree ( informally of course) to leaveit alone.
The Nicky and nickelhead are exceptions. They don't care about the rules both formal and informal.
Plus is it possible that the fallen can shield their host from the effects  of the island

But that means taking no precautions against the biggest rulebreakers of all, the Outsiders and their agents. They might be the only ones that will attack the island but they also represent the biggest threat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: October 02, 2024, 02:22:38 PM »
Why did they launch the attack? Or were able to?  Because though Harry had been named Warden, he hadn't learned anything about setting up the real defenses of the island yet.  Notice the difference in Battle Ground, Harry was now a fully engaged Warden had engaged the island's full defenses, HWWB tried to sneak in using Justine to get Harry open up the defenses so that Justine could visit Thomas.  Why? Because that's the only way he'd get in, if he had been able to fool Harry into letting him in as Justine. In other words with a Warden fully engaged, the attack attempt we saw in Cold Days would not have happened.

Which circles back to the lack of security.

The island didn't have an active Warden for decades. At any time, those two sights could have been occupied or at monitored to keep the bad guys from setting up shop on them. " An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure" applies here.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: October 01, 2024, 09:27:12 PM »
  Unless there are rules against that very thing with in the White Council, or simply no wizard unless he or she is a Warden is welcome on a permanent basis on the island.

But this wouldn't require going to the island, I'm talking about being on the shores of Lake Michigan. We know that the enemy is doing this because there were two ritual sites being used inCold Days to launch attacks against Demonreach that were stopped by forces from Lara and Marcone. Those would seem like good places for a group of monitoring Wardens to set up shop.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: October 01, 2024, 05:03:54 PM »
We've never seen Alfred act on its own volition to imprison someone.  At the times when the Denarians were on the island, there was no Warden to give the order to imprison them.  Almost all the creatures and beings in that prison are there because someone (i.e. the White Council I'm pretty sure) put them there.

Could the prison hold a Denarian?  I imagine so.  Could it hold a Coin?  I'm not so sure.  If nothing else, there would be the risk of infernal intervention.

I have to agree with Mira on this.  Maybe Alfred doesn't like visitors on the island or maybe not, we just don't know.  Apparently someone was able to operate a cannery there for a little while at least, so it's certainly possible to visit it.  Alfred might not like Rashid, but Rashid still visited the island.

So I would imagine that the Council could send a party of Wizards to check the place out every so often.

And even if that isn't a viable option, it would not be that hard to keep track of who visited.  The Council has vast resources of money.  They could put a few boats on Lake Michigan in the area, disguised as ordinary fishermen or pleasure boaters or whatever to keep track of the waters around the island, they could hire someone to run a radar set on such boats to watch the skies about.  It just wouldn't be that hard for the Council to keep track of comings and goings, at least in the real world.  We don't know how hard it would be to access Demonreach through the Nevernever, but Nicodemus seemed to think it would be...difficult.  And I suspect the White Council has the resources to keep track of the Nevernever near Demonreach, too.

It really is strange that the Council doesn't seem to be doing that, considering what that place is.  Maybe, maybe, they're afraid of calling attention to it by watching it too closely...but I don't really buy that.

Mira has a point, this is really strange.

I suspect the Council usually does choose the Warden, when there is one.  They might have to be careful to choose someone acceptable to Alfred, but I doubt that's an insuperable barrier.

Everything to do with Demonreach is a retcon it seems though.

In Small Favor, where we are introduced to it, a large group of non-wizards were able to reside there long enough to build a cannery and dock. How? The psychic pressure of the island gave Karrin, Michael and even Thomas horrible nightmares after just a day or so of exposure. Its vibes are strong enough to get it excluded from all maps of Lake Michigan and flight paths into Chicago steer clear of it. That's a pretty strong ward.

In fact, the strength of that ward and the Ley lines coming from the island ought to draw magical talents like flies and mosquitos to a bug zapper. Practitioners should get a "bad idea" warning when they think of approaching, but there's no way it'd be unknown, if only for the huge ley lines coming from the center of a large body of water.

And why aren't there any older wizards using those ley lines along the shores of Lake Michigan? You'd think it would be a wizardly lake town and retreat. If you say the White Council stops those wizards because they are suspicious, why don't they have permanent presence there?

The only theory I can come up with is that it is part of Rashiid's duties as the Gatekeeper. He does know a Way to the island and has some history with it. Perhaps he pops in from time to time to see if it has a Warden. His foresight may even have shown him Harry in the role and doing a good job.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: September 25, 2024, 12:17:26 PM »
  I still wonder though, because you'd think the Denarians would make use of some of the inmates if they could break them out.

The Denarians don't have a viable path to controlling the Warden, so their only option is to break them all out. I don't think that would jibe with their plans.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: September 25, 2024, 06:29:40 AM »
The Denarians definitely know the secret of the island. But I don't think they can use it themselves because "No Denarians" would be on Alfred's checklist of those qualified for being Warden. Plus, Nic thinks his plan will save the world, I'd doubt that would include many of the inmates as most of them don't seem to be the follower type.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: September 24, 2024, 06:54:53 PM »
The real issue is the lack of surveillance at any time before or after Harry became the Warden. If you're going to suspect whoever takes control of the island, maybe you should be watching so you know if someone's making an attempt and who they might be. Also, why would you promote someone to the job of Warden of North America if you don't trust him? I mean there's only three Senior Council members living there out of seven total.

The Denarians set up shop there, kidnapping two signatories of the Accords. The White Council may not care about Marcone, but they really should care about the Archive. But we have no indication that the WC even knew what happened until Harry reported it.

The WC didn't know that Harry had taken the island in TC. The only reason they came there was because Harry set up a meeting there. Rashiid, Eb and Listens all learn that Harry has become the new Warden but aside from Rashiid's minimal warnings, no one offers any advice of any kind.

For CD, the new Warden and Winter Knight has been assassinated after the destruction of the Red Court, but the WC can't spare one wizard to check on the island occasionally.  The magical tension in the area was building for months. Maybe there might have been some help on-hand to stop the breakout that would have resulted in kicking off the Apocalypse.

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