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Messages - Kael Tucker

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1.   We have been told that Nicodemus has a very specific target in mind, ostensibly kept in the Labyrinth of Daedalus.  What is Nic trying to get his hands on and why?
    It was originally a prison for the Minatore, slain by Theseus... perhaps, the search is for the remains of the beast... or there is some token or object Hidden by  Poseidon and is still protected by a modern version of the beast. No matter what, what ever they are trying to get their hands on, it is sure to have some type of power, either something that has an apocalyptic tone... or perhaps in the center will be the only tree that still grows Ambrosia ( one bite turns you into cures any disease, two makes you immortal, three or more makes you a greek god )

2.   Nicodemus apparently called in a marker from Mab to get Harry on the team.  Does he have a specific plan for using Harry or did Mab twist his request?  Which of Harry's capabilities will he admit to needing, and (given that this is Nicodemus after all), which abilities is he scheming for Harry to use?
  Nic is one of a few enemies of Harry’s that respect him. Overall, they are going to be moving through a giant maze with puzzles and traps. Harry is fast on his feet, good detective, and can punch holes in walls if nessacerry…. I would want him there… but you know Nic,  he will probably have two other reasons other than that.

3. Jim has mentioned that the book will be "Ocean's Eleven".  Who else did Nicodemus recruit?  How will they interact with Harry?

3.   Harry's general method of operation is to call on his friends for help.  In this book, Harry is (initially) allowed one extra backup member on the crew.  Who will it be?  Which of Harry's other allies will "interfere" before the plot is over?  9/10/13 an interview was published that answers the first half of this question.  (edit:  Sort of)  Those that guessed what he said in that interview (at least partially) have been logged by the curators, but this will probably go down as some kind of extra credit or something, so keep Predictin!  (edit:  And things might not be binary simple...)-Serack

Well, Harry doesn’t know any greek gods, but considering the company he is keeping I would hope that he wouldn’t choose any “plain folk” like Murphy.  If I were a betting man, it would be one of three.
Billy (will)- not my top pick, but mouse is watching Little Maggie and I can’t see Harry pulling him away from that. But Life is always easier when you have a wolf.

Thomas- supernaturally strong and loyal. Fought against the denarians before, could do a whole lot worse.
Last on my list but my No.1 draft pick… Sasha. When Surrounded by demons, good to have your own guardian angel.

Mr. Butcher will probably throw us a curve ball and do something wacky like have him borrow Bob and have him in ride along mode.

5. This is a Denarian book, so (unlike the last "end of the world" showdown), the Swords will almost certainly be present.  In fact, there have been various hints...  Which Sword wielders will appear in the next book and how will their interference/help affect the plot?
  Being the only Knight still in action, it is a givin that Sasha will be popping in, I also believe that one of the other swords will be put into play… I believe that Murphy will be convinced to carry Shiro’s blade full time… It will either be Uriel, Sasha or circumstance that convinces her, but I think her sense of purpose will be made clearer to herself.

6. Mab is apparently against Nicodemus succeeding in this heist.  In the Cold Days, we found that Mab had complex reasons for wanting Harry to kill Maeve.  What are Mab's reasons in this book?  Is it simple thwarting or is there something deeper?
  I believe that the reason will be directly connected to the attack on  Arctis Tor that Harry stumbled on in “proven Guilty”.  During the battle preceeding Harry’s attack, I believe, Nic took something that belonged to queen Mab… something she is willing to trade for to get back.

7. At the end of Cold Days, Harry needs to stay on the island to keep his growing headaches at bay.  The start of Skin Games implies that those headaches will need to be resolved by the end of the book.  Who or what is causing those headaches, and how will the whole thing get resolved by the end of the book?
After going back through the series, the one weakness we share with Harry is that when he has the mind “whammy” put on him, we are blinded as well. We can only see it when he remembers, or discovers it himself.  The only thing we can do is work through the clues we are givin, and work through it.  Here is my suspect list… these are the only entities we know who have the ability to live in his head.
Margret – Harry’s mom is the least likely candidate, but a shadow version of her lives in his head, and has since birth. I would hope that after the Soul gaze that Harry and Thomas shared she would have gone away having served her purpose… but I think the shadow of Margret interacted with him once before ( the Lake House in “storm front” ) which means her shadow had more than One purpose in his head… pray it was benine.
The adversary – Middle of the road with this one… Mr. N could have infected Harry, but it would have to have been before “Cold Days” and though Harry is supposed to have power over the outsiders later, still not sure how or why he is going to get it… could be a by-product of being infected and fighting it off.
Lash-Lasciel – No1. Contender… Hands down. Lets start with what we know about their life together.  Harry had headaches for years, but they did not start really hitting him until he received the coin, and they kept getting stronger, even after she “fell on the sword” in the wraith deeps.  Lash tried to convince him to pick up the coin for years, and she knew that he would never willingly take up the coin.  I believe one of two things happened at the end of “white knight”
A)   Lash was acting in earnest at the end of the book, took he metaphysical bullet for Harry and MOST of her presence died when Harry’s brain overloaded in the deeps. I think that a lot of us (yes, I am including myself) forgot that she was more of a spiritual being. At the end of the book, Harry could still play Spanish guitar, which points to the fact that something must have been left in. Also you have to take in Harry’s healing ability. In the normal Human brain, when brain cells die they are completely gone forever… but as our favorite medical examiner likes to point out, Harry is not normal. If his brain can repair the portions that lash was living in, it stands to reason she may be able to rebuild herself using the strands of what was left. Growing in Harry’s mind until she is strong enough to take over.
B)   Her death was a sham, She was never in any real danger. She knew she was losing the battle for Harry’s soul, and she did not want to keep letting him use her like another Bob.  So she uses the  situation to her advantage. ALL of Harry’s information about “ brain damage” and her “death” comes from her at the end… She allows him to draw his own conclusion, and she hides deeper inside of him. Only giving him subliminal seeds of doubts and constant migranes, until an opportunity presents itself either to nudge him to the coin, or make him pay for rejecting her.
Hence the “female shadow” evident in “ghost story”,  She was punishing him by convincing him to commit suicide by hitman.

Either way, she was not expecting Mab to rescue him, and when she was discovered by the winter queen and demonreach she was put in an awkward situation and used her part in keeping Harry alive as a lever to keep them silent.

8.  One of the key components of the "Ocean's Eleven" movie is that there is a final twist/reveal.  Given that we've got Nicodemus, Harry, Mab, and potentially Hades (and who knows who else) all trying to get the better of each other, if there's one thing you can count on it's some sort of last minute quintuple-cross.  What will be the nature of the twist and how will it all fall out?  No clue, ask bob.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:58:43 PM »
I like Helfer for Mab.  Henstridge might be a good Charity.

Ryan is definitely Titania

Remember that mab and Titiana are Identical in appearence. as well as Maeve and Sarissa... so If we have to have actresses that can play both sides of the coin... That being said, Ryan is a go for Mab too

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:48:43 PM »
OK, going full Blown animation, this is is my casting 1st and 2nd choices... Trying to set realistic standards and goals save for one.  Also In an Animated feature, One person can be multi tasked to play multiple parts, hense the multiple uses of certain names... I know some main characters were left out… but these are the ones I feel most strongly about.

Harry                       James Marsters, Vincent Ventresca
Bob                          James Marsters, Terrance Mann
Murphy                    Sarah Michelle Gellar
Morgan                     Conrad Coats (Played him in the series, I still think the voice is right), James Marsters
Carmichael               Paul Ben-Victor
Stallings                   Bruce Cambell
Susan                      Jordana Brewster
Mac                         James Marsters
Sanya                      Aries Spears ( Watch his comedy show, the things he can do with accents is amazing)
Shiro                       Pat Morita ( "The Karate kid" fame for those of us who do not remember the 80's)
Rowlins                    The Late Michael Duncan Clark, Ving Rhames
Michael                    Corbin Bernsen
Charity                     Kirsten Nelson   (Psych)
Father Fortill             Micheal Gross, John Glover ( Read Ghost Story for audio, His Forthill was done with a slight Irish accent, one of the few changes he did from the series I approve of)
Thomas                    Matt Bomer
Justin DuMorne         John Glover
Marcone                   Richard Burgi

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:03:54 AM »
How about Walton as Lloyd Slate, the Winter Knight before Harry?

Yes.... That kind of Bad guy is right up his alley. and it seems to be the kind of part he favors...GOOD CALL!

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 21, 2013, 08:00:37 AM »
How about Robert Redford for Pappa Raith?

Then I was thinking about Walton Groggins for Marcone.

And I could totally go with Megan Fox as Lara or Mab or Maeve but not Molly.

I love Walton as a bad guy, but I don't see him as a Marcone.  I can very much see Ms. Fox playing Maeve/Sarrissa

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:02:48 AM »
What about just Voice Acting? For an animated work. He doesn't look the part, but I think James Marsters captures Harry's voice perfectly.
Agreed, in fact I would dare say he has enough range to carry most of the male characters... though I have always felt he made Thomas's voice too deep.  My top choice for Thomas both animated, and live would be Matt Bomer( Neil "white collar")
And going animated... I would change Butters From My top choice of David Tennant, to James Roday ( Shawn "psych")

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:34:47 PM »
The only reason I didn't see Bruce as Carmichael was that Carmichael is described as short, overweight and balding.

I think the problem we're going to run into here is the descriptions.  Jim is very specific and fans notice when actors don't match the description given, which is why, in the long run, I think it would be best for the show to be animated, and the characters voiced.

  Ok, then Stallings... We can give Carmicheal to Paul ben-victor (The invisible man tv series... Fawkes partner)

Animated is a very specific audience, if going for commercial appeal, it has to be live action. Do Not get me wrong, I love animated series that have adult content... and if it shows up like that I will not complain.  I would much prefer a re-imagined series on AMC right after The Walking Dead... but I will take what I can get.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:56:02 AM »
I like Bruce too much to do that to him.  I was actually picturing him as Mac, but I could also (On top of my other choices for the character) hear him as the voice ob Bob.

The only problem I have with Jeffrey Donovan as Nic is that I can't see him with the arrogant side.  Diabolical, yes; arrogantly diabolical, no.  It's one of the reasons that I like Gary Oldman for the role.

For Ebeneezer, I'd pick Ben Johnson if he weren't dead.  Unfortunately, I can't think of a single actor who's still alive that could fit my image of Eb, other than Kris Kristofferson, and he's a bit tall.

For Morty, I'd deffinitely go with Willie Garson from White Collar.

I still Hold to my Previous statement, I still want Bruce Cambell as either Carmicheal, or Stallings.  He has to have a re-accuring role... I wouldn't have it any other way, but Mac doesn't talk enough to have Cambell play him... I can get Behind Kristofferson... Oldman well it is a given that He is going to be there somewhere... I can thinks of at least three villians and two good guys he can easily play.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:51:42 AM »
Paul Blackstone was one of the show's good points... He did have Harry's attitude.  but bringing him back would be problematic.  If he were continuing the series where it left off... then I say ok. But if we are re-inventing Harry Dresden for a TV or Movie audience then we have to move past the old show.  I have absolutely no problems recycling the actors from the old show into a new one in different roles ( except BOB, he can keep his job) but the show has been off the air a while and the actors have matured a bit... If we are starting fresh, the actor who plays Harry needs to be between the ages of 26-34, between 6-2 and 6-6, and be able to pull off the attitude without going over the top.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:15:36 PM »
I've said before, and I say again, Height does not matter.  camera tricks can make a shorter person look taller.  Viggo Mortensen is only a few cm taller than Elijah Wood, but they made Frodo look small compared to Aragorn.

True, But there are better things we can be spending our "Special Effects" budget on... We can spend a few hours making Harry taller, or we can make better flaming monkey poo... your choice.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:33:54 PM »
Let me say, Browder is in my top five TV actors of all time... Anyone who has seen farscape will probably agree that it would not be a far stretch to have him play dresden... heck he even resembles the comic book Harry incredibly... BUT ( You knew there had to be one) The timing isn't right for him.  He is getting a bit seasoned to play a character who is in his late twenties ( assuming we start with Storm Front as the plot) I have seen him in more recent work, and he is getting back in fighting shape... but I am afraid his age will work against him. 

I still hold to my opinion that we would have to cast an unknown for Harry, and spend the money on the supporting roles, getting some bigger names to surround him to draw people in.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 23, 2013, 06:57:14 AM »
This is how I see Molly, except more muscular.  As I've noted before, this picture is about fourteen years old, but I think this look would do for teenage Molly.

   I agree that Fairuza Balk, in her prime, would have made an.... Interesting Molly.  Now, though i am not sure which one, I would love to see her play one of Harry's Villianesses. I think it would give a cool and creepy vibe to whatever role... The kind of girl you Hate to Love.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:04:08 AM »
I personally never had a problem with blackstone, but then again, I saw the show before I read the books. That being saidI wouldn't mind him playing Harry's dad in the flashbacks and dream sequence where Harry talked to him.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:41:57 PM »
As much as I love Ben Browder (and everything Farscape), I just can't picture him as Harry.

I agree and disagree... Ben is a great actor, I saw him recently in a doctor who episode of all places playing a texas sherriff in the old west.  I think he can pull off the attitude perfectly... but he is the wrong height and body style. I hold to my earlier statements saying that the part of Harry is going to have to be cast most likely to an unknown actor. No one in the public eye currently is quite right in my opinion.

Now speaking of farscape, if I were casting for Storm Front I would have Ben and Claudia play the part of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: January 09, 2013, 06:51:23 PM »
It's on Netflix

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