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Messages - Dger91

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: First Session-input sought
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:29:50 AM »
We did and it was awesome.  Character ideas were generated that kinda amazed my players.  We have also done some basic city gen, but have already had three prep sessions and I don't wanna hold off the game any longer. 
As for the first session, the characters all do have ties, but that doesn't mean they are ready to work together.  So I thought I'd put that in their hands.  Thus in a similar manner to how city gen works, I'll have the players do a little "adventure gen."

DFRPG / Chinese Elements
« on: September 20, 2012, 11:05:01 PM »
I have a player who wants to play a martial artist channeler (al la the Akashic Bro from M:tA).  I am trying out ideas for Chinese themed elements like Ancient Mai.
I am  basically knowledgeable about that paradigm but as it is much more conceptual it kinda hard putting it into more practical terms.  I would be open to input on how the RAW elemental associations would redistribute into the Chinese.
I really liked the idea that each element empowered/drained/and cut another.  I wanted to play around with that. 
If there is another thread that already covers this then sorry.  There was only so far back I was willing to go :)

DFRPG / Re: PC's homes or important locations
« on: September 20, 2012, 10:44:34 PM »
I agree that players should model thier own homes.  I've asked my players to each come up with two locations for their characters.  These don't necessarily have to be thier homes; some folks just don't consider their living spaces to be as much a part of there identity as, say, the library or local coffee house.  Especially college students as are my PCs.

DFRPG / First Session-input sought
« on: September 20, 2012, 10:31:08 PM »
I am running a new DFRPG campaign.  I've been trying to work on first session plots and keep coming up with ideas I want to save for later.  So I thought about how char and city gen works and thought to build the adventure similarly.  One problem I have with first sessions is strong arming the PCs just to be them together.
Idea- the session starts thusly (ish): "You are all in a warehouse.  Why? What brought you here?" <players reply> " Ok, there is an object on the floor in front of you.  What is it?" <reply>  "Alright.  On he other side of the room is another group o people, about equidistance from he object as you are.  Who are they?  What do they want with it? Who was here first?"
I've run "Night Fears" three times  ow and love the input the players have at the beginning.
Ideas?  Thoughts? Criticisms?

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