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Messages - Crazed

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I have hit the swampiest patch of swamp I have ever encountered.  One thing after another this week that has pulled my brain in 600 different directions.  Last week was great with full quota for writing, but this week has been one ordeal after another. 

I read how some of the awe-inspiring authors craft 4k at a time and I want to butt my head against the wall as I wallow here in the Great Swamp.

And I still have not even watched Avengers!  I will hold out on that until I get caught up.  Hoping that treat will push me forward again.  Writing here alos helps, because I can get my literary pump flowing.

Alright, enough venting. Goal today is to push to 82k on novel.

Author Craft / Re: What's on the way out? What's new and hot?
« on: September 27, 2012, 03:17:55 PM »
I think you have to be aware of the new trends, but as others have said don't rework your entire concept to reflect some other hot commodity.  Keep your core concept for your magnus opus and if you want to dabble try a short story and see if the new thing flows.  I am a strong advocate of exploring different genres, but use the experience to find your strengths not try to change everything you write to fit a particular niche you dislike.

Author Craft / Re: Locked Within - My First Novel
« on: August 30, 2012, 06:30:39 PM »
Congratulations!  May this be the start of many more novels to come.

The greatest part to reading this section of the forum is that I keep seeing so many others having the same issues but finding a way to keep going forward with their writing.

Everyone, good luck with your endeavors as a writer.  Like the great and wise oracle known as the Deposed King, I spent a lot of time in the past not finishing projects.  I know that like the Deposed King, I will keep moving this time.

Kept on writing.  Past page 270 today.

Finally writing the first novel after a lot of false starts and sputtering dead ends.  256 pages thus far and I have so much more to do.  Two jobs, a wife and two kids are not enough to stop me (evil laughter ensues).

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