« on: October 06, 2012, 09:15:32 PM »
Hey guys,
So my crew and I are starting a new game. One wants to play a hydromancer/aquamancer/water bender whatever you wanna call it. He puts his plan to me as thus.
As of right now, I am thinking of modeling a character after the water-benders from Avatar. Ignoring blood-bending (yes, I did read the rules on the seven no-no's of magic) simply set a rote spell in which you freeze water. The first round of combat you hit the Big Evil with a basic water attack, even if I miss, whatever, he is wet. Next round, freeze it. Even if his athletics score can over come BOUND IN PLACE, the ground would be frozen, so in addition to damage potential, you have battlefield control. I am assuming that water created remains, since we know that fire created, also remains as the caster is continually reminded of burning risks.
While I understand that an attack is an attack, I am having trouble justifying why someone would not have a DRIPPING WET aspect on them after getting hit with a geyser of water. How do you guys handle this?
A second question has to do with his freezing idea. Would that evocation then place a HUMAN POPSICLE aspect on all targets and a ICE SLICK aspect on the zone, for a total of...?