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Messages - Chao

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Water Evocator Question
« on: October 16, 2012, 05:08:45 PM »
haha, perhaps I should clarify. I don't particularly care about simulating water bending from the tv series. It is more the questions about water evocation in general. How do you justify to a munchkin player that a water attack should not leave a "drenched" aspect? Or that a freezing evocation should not be able to freeze both target and leave the floor slick?

DFRPG / Re: Water Evocator Question
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:18:39 AM »
right, and I understand that. I was wondering if there was a plausible explanation for water evocations not to do that, because intuitively they would.

DFRPG / Water Evocator Question
« on: October 06, 2012, 09:15:32 PM »
Hey guys,

So my crew and I are starting a new game. One wants to play a hydromancer/aquamancer/water bender whatever you wanna call it. He puts his plan to me as thus.

As of right now, I am thinking of modeling a character after the water-benders from Avatar. Ignoring blood-bending (yes, I did read the rules on the seven no-no's of magic) simply set a rote spell in which you freeze water. The first round of combat you hit the Big Evil with a basic water attack, even if I miss, whatever, he is wet. Next round, freeze it. Even if his athletics score can over come BOUND IN PLACE, the ground would be frozen, so in addition to damage potential, you have battlefield control. I am assuming that water created remains, since we know that fire created, also remains as the caster is continually reminded of burning risks.

While I understand that an attack is an attack, I am having trouble justifying why someone would not have a DRIPPING WET aspect on them after getting hit with a geyser of water. How do you guys handle this?

A second question has to do with his freezing idea. Would that evocation then place a HUMAN POPSICLE aspect on all targets and a ICE SLICK aspect on the zone, for a total of...?

DFRPG / Re: Lycanthropic magic
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:55:58 AM »
Another possibility is a stunt giving bonuses to conviction or some such other during his lycanthropic rages in exchange for loss of discipline or defense- kind of like the rage stunts seen elsewhere on this board. Personally, I like the penalty to discipline idea, as you can be throwing out huge evocations in exchange for a whole ton of fallout - exactly what one would expect from a berserk spellcaster!

DFRPG / Question about using Catches?
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:51:59 AM »
Hey guys!

Question came up recently with my group that I can't quite figure out how to perform mechanically. As the plot goes, the one character (an evoker with several Faith related powers - some kind of hit-woman for the church) has a stunt/power that allows her to "bless" her evocations. Thus, she wants to perform a zone-wide splash of holy water on a warehouse of Red Court Vampires and their hapless hostages.

The questions is thus two fold: How does one emulate an attack that is designed to harm only certain targets? and also, how do you guys model the stress/consequences some catches inflict (i.e. cold iron is stated to be a poison to the fairies, holy stuff burns the vamps by mere contact, etc).

Thanks guys!

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