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Messages - antialiasis

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: July 08, 2007, 06:12:06 PM »
My boyfriend became a huge Dresden fan a few weeks ago. After listening him babble on and on about it to everybody he met for a couple of weeks, I let him show me the Storm Front episode of the TV show (while he was constantly commenting on how it was nothing like the book).

Then I saw that Harry had a death sentence looming over him. Insta-love. (I told him that I'd have started reading it immediately if he'd just mentioned that little detail.)

And then I borrowed Storm Front and realized that Harry Dresden is one of the most utterly lovable main characters I have ever had the joy of reading about. So right now I'm in the middle of Fool Moon.

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