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Messages - wraithstrike

Pages: [1]
I'm the GM for SergeiVolkov and company. We've had a lot of wild adventures thus far.

The most recent session was one meant for impact rather than action. With permission from Sergei's great-grandfather Odin, he was allowed to speak before the gathered warriors in Valhalla. He told them how Ragnarok is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and all the tactics the Aesir have used to prevent it actually bring it about.

Before this, Sergei met his father for the first time, so he had set up a cue with Loki to walk in with Fenrir at a dramatically appropriate time in the speech. As soon as Daddy Fenrir and Grandpa Loki entered the scene, Sergei told the gods that Fenrir was only destructively violent because he had been bound in an attempt to stave off Ragnarok. To prove Sergei's point, Fenrir apologized to Tyr for the hand thing and pledged his service to Odin as the great hunter.

The rolls for this were amazing, and Sergei's words, along with his father's actions, convinced Odin that they were speaking the truth. Odin declared that they would cast aside prophecy, rather than fulfilling it unaware.

Of course, without a Ragnarok occurring, all those Einherjar that were to rise for the final battle needed another purpose. So Heimdall gave the summoning horn to Sasha, along with a Valkyrie retainer to keep the horn safe until it was needed.

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