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Messages - Zuriel

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Author Craft / Re: Some possibly useful food for thought...
« on: July 21, 2012, 06:34:50 PM »
THIS!  LOL!!  Loved it!  It's now on my "favorites" bar so I can go back and re-read when I'm taking myself too seriously or setting an unrealistic goal for myself.

Writing should be FUN, for crying out loud, and if you don't take time to relax, smell the proverbial roses and join the human race once in a while, you've missed the point of being alive.

Your story/book will still be there when you get back from actual live human contact and/or cavorting with nature...and it might be all the better for those few moments you spent interacting with The Outside Word, getting your batteries recharged.  At least that's what I've heard.   ;)

I've sat here for an unreasonably long period today, perusing my usual forums, drinking a lot of coffee and only thinking about getting dressed - which is why I love the weekends when I can become that NetZombie who feeds off the minds of others.  It can be inspirational or at the very least it reminds me that I'm not the worst writer out there.  And then my muse thumps me on the head and points out I should be working on my own stories and projects.  As it's doing right now.  Dressing is optional. 


Author Craft / Re: Beta Questions
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:40:36 PM »
LOL!  I just had this image of Mutant Ninja Wolfgirl flashing through my mind...unstoppable...with a never say never attitude.  And please take this as a big compliment.   ;D  You are awesome!

Someday...maybe a beta...but right now RL is waiting - impatiently.   :-\

Have fun!  Gotta run!

Author Craft / Re: Beta Questions
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:42:11 PM »
Oh, I know you would if you could...but that's ok.  I've been doing all right without a beta...I I'll survive without one.   :D

Author Craft / Re: Beta Questions
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:24:23 PM »
I understand published authors using a beta, for all of these reasons, and that makes sense.  There's a lot at stake.

But I guess I have the old-school thought that I should take full responsibility for my stories, and if I make mistakes, then so be it.

But then I can also take all the accolades for writing a good one, if I'm lucky.   ;)

Maybe I'm just not into sharing...   ::)  Or maybe I'm just frustrated - jealous maybe? - because I've not been able to find a beta.   :(

That's the spirit!   :D

Author Craft / Beta Questions
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:26:27 PM »
I've never used a beta (not easy to find one   :-\  ), but I know many do.  So, I'd like to know...besides the obvious checking of spelling and grammar...what does a beta do for you?

Do you only use a beta for the nuts and bolts aspect?  Or for content, too?

How much do you rely on a beta?  If they make a suggestion, are you more likely to change your story, based purely on what they say?

Oh, no!  No laptop on holiday?  Bummer.

Your mum knows you all too well.   ;)

I'm hoping to get some writing done this evening after some RL stuff.  If nothing else, a little editing would be better than nothing.

I've written zero in the last few days.  Out of town company and meeting with another old friend have eaten into my free time.  Now that's done I can focus.

I told myself not to come up with new ideas until I'd finished what I've already started, but since when do I listen to myself.  Had two more thoughts pop up and wrote them down for future use.  They may be stories of their own, or it's possible I can incorporate at least one of them into an existing story.  Either way I was excited about them and decided not to listen to my inner nagging voice, even though she means well.   :D

Good luck on your biology paper, cen.

The countdown to end of your school year begins!  Yay!   :)

Sorry to hear you're under the weather, shades.  That sucks.   :-\  May you feel better tomorrow.   :D

Cen...I suppose I would be considered lucky that most of my family (which is very small, btw) is right here where I am, so I see them a lot.  Maybe too much.   :P

So...getting to be with your cousins is a good thing in your case, if they are not so close.  But your holiday does have the makings of a fun time!

Sometimes we just have to sit back and realize that writing has to take a backseat to RL.  Of course, that makes us want to write even more.  LOL.  When we can't.   ;)

Two more weeks doesn't sound too bad.  You can do it!

And sunny holiday might actually be least sunny.  Can't go wrong with sun.   ;)

Family functions are another matter.  Some are good and some not so much - at least with my family - and sometimes I'd really like to trade them in for a new bunch of relatives, but so far I have no offers.  Hmm...seems their reputation precedes them.  LOL!   :-\

Well, cen, enjoy this free time for as long as you can.   :D

You deserve it!

Oh, yeah...the temp thing...I should have indicated 104 C degrees.  Forgot you go by F over your way.  :P

I just realized that I got these temps mixed up.  Duh.  I told you my brain was fried in the heat yesterday.  I should have said 104 degrees Farenheit.  And actually by late afternoon yesterday we hit 105 degrees of oppressive, sultry, steamy heat.  Ugh.

aw well i have school
aand i could write more if
a. i did not like to sleep for at least 6 hours everyday
b i spent less time trying to be sociable round here
c i did not get so grumpy with RL as i don't do good writing when i am grumpy

a.  I get by most of the time on 5 hours sleep, which doesn't mean I'm up getting anything actually done.   :-\
b.  Social time is important!  That should come first.   :D
c.  RL is not good for a writer's soul.   ;)  We'd much rather write than do chores, school or any of those necessary evils.
d.  I am trying to blame the heat for my lack of enthusiasm and creativity - and I'm sticking to it!   ;D  It's better than admitting I'm lazy...

But I tried writing a little last night, actually editing a story, and realized I didn't like the darn thing!  I love the idea, but it wasn't coming together the way I wanted it to, so it's back to the almost complete re-work, because I refuse to give up on it.  (I have several stories in this predicament on my computer that I believe I can salvage.  "Never say never" is my motto!)

It's beginning to sound to me as though conflict is what prevents the beginning from getting to the end...? For example, beginning: Frodo has an evil ring. End: destroy the ring! Everything in between: conflict! (Because if it was simply a matter of dropping the ring into the dustbin, there would be no need to write LOTR)

Does that sound right?

I had this sort of mental mixup where I thought conflict had to be related to fighting in some fashion, where one person does one thing and another person pushes back.

I think a lot of people, when they hear the word conflict, immediately think of fisticuffs or a big battle, which is why I don't particularly like that term.  It conjures up visions of physical confrontation instead of a broader range of situations.

I had a teacher once who taught that the true difference between a novel and a short story is not mere length but the fact that a novel should include in its length secondary (and tertiary, etc.) plot lines and thus secondary conflicts.

A great little book I read on writing science fiction and fantasy was talking about episodic TV (but applies to novels, as well) containing two and a half main one and one and a half subplots, all of which should be happening at the same time.  In other words throw everything you have at the MC all at once and watch him sort them out.  And one of the mistakes I made in my first attempt at writing.  I concluded one problem/situation and then went on to the next one and the next without them overlapping very much.  It wasn't exactly a bad story, but it became a lot better, more dramatic, when I changed all that.

As to when conflict should start--depends on genre. Someone right before me basically said that rules are not hard and fast. I'm learning that. It's almost a case of they are and they aren't.

So in other words do it the way you want.   

Rules are a good guideline, especially for new writers, but eventually they're meant to be broken, once you've developed a style of your own - and that just comes with practice and more practice.   ;D

And I don't think everyone has to use the two line - or the 13 line rule.  I think readers have a little bit more patience than that, but not much.  For me, personally, having to read a long, drawn out description at the beginning (unless very well done) is boring and makes me wonder...what is this book about?  But then I'm not one of those patient readers.   :P

Yes, I only have a pathetic little 200 posts so far.  I don't normally have much time to post...and even if it shows I'm online, I'm mostly not...or else I'm just reading through threads instead of posting.  Trying to catch up on everything.

Maybe three months is the magic number?  LOL!  We shall see, but for me to post a lot, RL would have to seriously go away...and yeah, that's not likely to happen in this century.  Another Boo. Hiss.

Now I am GONE...   :D  See ya later...

A "he" and a "she" - that's nice...and I did, of course, see their names in the other thread.

Good name for your new English.  And capital letters are overrated anyway.   :)

Ok...I hit 200 I can officially sign off and get busy!!!

Take care and good luck doing whatever it is you're doing.   ;)

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