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Messages - alexcomp

Pages: [1]
No problem. Thanks for the clarification.

Author Craft / Storm Front screenplay or movie script for your review
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:13:39 AM »
Hello fellow Dresden File aficionados,
Long time fan, first time poster.
I was working on a screenplay for Storm Front but was unsure of whether I was going in the right direction. I was hoping to post the first few pages somewhere for critique but wasn't sure if it was allowed on here. So I am posting the question to anyone monitoring the boards if it would be okay to post the first couple of pages of the screenplay I am adapting?
I will respect your decision but I thought I should ask first since I couldn't find anything against it in the Forum rules that were posted. But just because it wasn't there doesn't mean it is not allowed.
Anyway, I hope I get the thumbs up and if I do I hope you will enjoy it.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing back from someone. I'll check back periodically if I don't hear back from anyone.


Steve O.

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