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Messages - Tankatim13

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DFRPG / Re: My first character
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:07:11 PM »
Yeah tomorrow is my first game using the fate system, never used it before so have to get use to aspects instead of stunts.

I was thinking of a character based on the Irishman (Danny Greene) and Borris the bullet dodger (Snatch) who is a descendent (branch family) of Jean Chastel (Beast of Gevaudan).

Wanted him to be a Larrican with guns finding monster and shooting them to pieces or trying too and if that fails he relays on bigger weapons or explosives. He does have training with melee and fists his only social skill is intimidation to his enemies and humor with little friends he makes. He has no faith except faith in himself and his guns.

He's does not break easy to mind or social attacks and he's endurance is Superb and pain isn't his limiter.

Some of the other players suggest him to be a arms dealer (black market) don't know?

My group might be going all heavy hitters 2 wizards 2 warriors of old (champions of god) and then my gun hoe character. I was thinking of making an alchemist enchanter with high contacts resources and lore to accommodate the group?

DFRPG / Re: My first character
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:56:15 PM »
Changed alertness with guns And removed a stunt so 1 refresh.

Then it's the phase aspects and others but I'll sort thoses out when I get to the game session

DFRPG / My first character
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:13:34 PM »
Making my first character for DFRPG and going with a high concept aspect slayer of monster with template pure mortal chest deep power level. trouble aspect "I have stated into the abyss and I stared back" or maybe just " all alone"

Phase 1: mother Irish, father Russian

Phase 2: massacre of family and friends on the farm only survivor.

Skills (30)
1 superb: endurance
2 Great: Athletics, Guns
2 Good: Weapons, Alertness
3 Fair: conviction, discipline, fists
5 Average: Craftmenship, might, intimidation, stealth, burglary

10 refresh
Stunt: Endurance : no pain no gain : +2 mild consequence physical
Stunt: removed
Stunt: Athletics : Too fast to hit (or)
(stunt: Endurance : Pain is not my limiter ( tough as nails)?)
Stunt: Discipline : My mind is a Fortress : +2 Mental Armour
Stunt: Conviction : I'm am the slayer : +2 to all social defense while dealing with the supernatural
Stunt: Conviction : Success is measured in blood : +1 physical stress damage on all Guns,Weapons and Fists attacks
Stunt: Guns : when bullets fail get a bigger gun: (personal arsenal)
Stunt: Craftmenship : When big guns fail use explosives: demolition use
Stunt: Fists : Use there strength against them
Stunt: Guns : This is my rifle : +2 shifts of difficulty in trying to hex the gun which is being used by the character.

1 refresh in the sense that he has close to no free will his choice is to be the slayer of monsters and leveling depending on GM he might fall further or get some spare refresh to have free will.

Any feedback would be nice
I think the other player are going to wizards and a champion of god(without the sword of the cross)

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