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Messages - TMZ_Cinoros

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DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 02, 2012, 07:52:46 AM »
A friend linked me to this post, and I was compelled to take on the task of writing up the BLU Spy.  It is kind of rough, but hopefully it gives others inspiration.

High Concept: Mysterious Man of Mystery
Trouble: Pawn of the Administrator
Aspects: Backstab!; "I never really was on your side"; Spy Check!; "Ah, ma petite chou-fleur."; FYI I am a spy (obligatory:

+5: Deceit
+4: Stealth, Weapons
+3: Burglary, Guns, Athletics
+2: Alertness, Conviction, Investigation, Scholarship
+1: Endurance, Driving, Presence, Discipline, Empathy

Make-Up Artist (Deceit): Reskin to apply +2 to deceit for glamours from invisibility watch and disquise kit.
Swift and Silent (Stealth)
Linguist (Scholarship): The spy knows many languages.
Backstab (Weapons): When tagging an aspect related to taking advantage of an exposed back, the Spy deals an additional +2 stress.

Item of Power: Invisibility Watch, Spytron 3000 Disguise Kit, Sapper [+2]
Glamours [-2]: Invisibility would be tied to the watch.  The Disguise Kit should only let the Spy take on the appearance of someone he has seen.
Mana Static [-1]: The Sapper would work like a hex when placed on a machine.  Maybe have a set hex power of 4 or 5?

Refresh Total Cost [-5]
Refresh Total: [5]

As an aside, I think that Mega Man totally needs the aspect "It's Over, Wily!"

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