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Messages - Jayden

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DFRPG / Re: House Rules for a New Game
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:08:13 PM »
This is going to lengthen conflicts a little, but as long as it's applied to everyone (PC and NPC alike) it should be fine.

Actually I was thinking about only applying it to PCs and major oppositions, I was hoping that at least if mooks fall easily then combat wouldn't seem so long.  I'll let you know if I notice a major change.

This worries me a bit as it would be relatively easy for someone to abuse this and simply kill off all opposition without them gaining a turn. Perhaps limit it to a single action per exchange.

Additionally I can see this being a bit more powerful for spellcasters than it is for everyone else as it allows them to extend spells without sacrificing an action (and extended blocks can be very powerful).

Good call, I will definitely keep that as a limitation.  I'm not sure that Wizards will be using that a lot if only because they tend not to have a lot of fate chips to space, but I guess that depends on how much I end up compelling.  Also I could simply say that 'maintaining' a spell really isn't appropriate use for the action.  Really this is supposed to represent quick reactions not sustained effort.

This is probably the one with the most far reaching consequences, and I have no idea what those may be. I worry about making guessing free, because it makes it a viable option with little downside (unless you are proposing that if they are wrong at all then they receive an aspect).

That was my intention for guessing, making it basically like blind tagging but with the risk of putting yourself at a disadvantage.

DFRPG / House Rules for a New Game
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:17:09 AM »
Hey Guys, been lurking for a while and thought I'd seek the forums opinion on some house rules I was thinking of using in my new campaign.  Am I falling into any obvious traps?  Things like that.  I've played in a few Dresden games but this'll be my first time running.

1) Starting all of the stress levels at 4 (while keeping the same bonuses for skill i.e. +2 stress boxes and a consequence at max). 

This is to make the stress increasing skills less important while still keeping them valuable.  I always have a problem with things that look like required skills.

2) Allowing fate chips to be spend (invoking an appropriate aspect) to take an immediate extra action.

This is to allow things like Harry tossing up a defensive spell before an attack by invoking Wizard and that magic is at the speed of thought.  Would also allow for things like a quick draw artist and the like.

3) Allow resources to be used to make declarations on the quality of the person's gear. 

I'm not even sure if this is a house rule but it gives resources something more to do than just throw around cash.

4) Changing the balance/economy of Guessing/Declaring/Assessing.  Guessing would become free (like tagging) and take no action but if you guess wrong the opponent may make an appropriate declaration against you. (e.g. Harry guesses the gang leader is a 'Reasonable Man' but instead ends up with his 'Guard Down' by trying to negotiate).  Declaring stays the same, free action that requires a skill roll.  Assessing takes an action (which may be supplemental) but you may ask for all aspects related to on particular situation. (i.e. I want all of his emotional aspects or all related to fighting).

This is to make the value of each of the different types of actions distinct and make it a more relevant tactical choice.

I was also considering using the idea of Persistent (P) aspects from strands of fate (basically aspect so important that they don't require a Fate Chip to invoke, and would apply to any Consequence over Minor and some significant scene aspects like Burning Building (P) or Pitch Black (P)) but I'm worried that would add too much record keeping for my players.

So anyone have any advice or suggestions?

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