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Messages - Vermillion

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: New Player needs help creating two characters
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:39:50 PM »
And here is the updated Sebastian:

Power level: Feet in the Water
High Concept: Hydromancer Apprentice When Present
Trouble: Brilliant but Easily Distracted
Other Aspects:
Live Up to The Family Name
Rebellious Middle Child
I Don't Like Bullies
Gifted A Fomor Ring (focus item)
Joined Paranet For The Adventure
Just in Time (result of finishing adventure)

Great: Conviction, Craftsmanship
Good: Lore, Weapons
Fair: Discipline, Presence
Average: Alertness, Contacts

Channeling (Hydromancy)
The Sight w/ Soulgaze
Wizard Constitution

Fomor Ring (+2) (Water - Discipline) (2 Focus Item slots)

Ice Shield
Type: Water (entropy) evocation, defensive maneuver
Power: 4
Duration: One action
Effect: Ambient water coalesces around Sebastian's ring hand, becoming a round shield made of ice. Typically used alongside a weapon in a sword-and-board style combination.

DFRPG / Re: New Player needs help creating two characters
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:24:48 PM »
Okay here is my updated Elijah:

Power level: Up to the Waist
High Concept: Moonlighting Engineer
Trouble: Destructive Savior
Other Aspects:
I Can Fix It
Attention Deficit...Oooh Shiny
Sucker for a Skirt
Trademark Grey Hoodie
Work Off The Damage Bill

Great: Athletics, Craftsmanship
Good: Fists, Endurance
Fair: Might, Scholarship, Weapons
Average: Alertness (at +4 for Init), Conviction, Discipline, Intimidation, Resources

Inhuman Speed (free single power granted by GM)
Echoes of the Beast
Martial Artist

Base Refresh: 7
Adjusted Refresh: 3

DFRPG / Re: New Player needs help creating two characters
« on: March 09, 2012, 04:25:20 AM »
Thanks for the tips. Took me a while to get back here and post again...Both characters are shaping up a lot better than what I had before.

I am wondering which Stunts I should trim from Elijah. In fact, I am considering giving him Echoes of the Beastin place of one or two of them.

DFRPG / Re: New Player needs help creating two characters
« on: March 06, 2012, 02:42:09 AM »
Thanks for the responses. They are really helpful.

@Vargo Teras: Those seem like some good Troubles for Sebastian. For some reason, I couldn't wrap my head around it, and was driving myself crazy.

As far as the high number of stunts on Elijah, I did question that, but seeing as it is such a short game (5 weeks) in a rota, I am not too sure yet how it will play out. I will take out one or two just in case.

@UmbraLux: Hmmm, well he joined Paranet as an escape from his family bugging him to be more active in his Warden training. Like a "well, I'll do this thing, which is kinda Warden-like if a stretch it, and make an excuse as it being training or something". This way, he makes them think he is serious about his studies, but really he gets to hang out with non-White Council folk and broadens his horizons a bit. So maybe "Joined Paranet For The Adventure" or something?

One other thing I did want to ask relating to Sebastian: what should I consider when it comes to spells? I recall that he gets one or two rote spells during his creation, but I am not sure. I was able to manage a couple of water blasts and the aforementioned controlling of the water horse spirit, but I am not sure how to turn those into actual spells.

And I suppose I should inquire into items as well.

I hope I am not being too obnoxious with the questions. I really do enjoy the game, and I just want to make sure I am not missing anything. I am probably over-thinking it though.

DFRPG / New Player needs help creating two characters
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:34:38 AM »
Hello, all.

I'm a new recruit into the world of Dresden Files and FATE RPGs. Just my luck I actaully managed to get into two different DFRPG games: a Paranet Adventures campaign and a short 6 week mini-arc at my regular game store (it is a part of a rotation of games).

Anyway, I have some time before my next session, and I am allowed to make some changes before my characters are solidified, since they were done pretty much on the fly and haven't been finished yet. So after some rereading the book and Googling the stuff I didn't understand (aspects), I decided to sign up here and ask for some help.

So the two character are as thus:

Character 1
(click to show/hide)

Character 2
(click to show/hide)

As indicated above, my biggest problem is the concept of creating appropriate aspects. It seems a bit too abstract for me to wrap my head around, and I want to make sure I have something useful and entertaining to play.

Any and all suggestions, notes, what have are greatly welcome and appreciated.

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