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Messages - AWorldWithoutShrimp

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DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:41:20 PM »
While I can't speak from the DFRPG side, since I'm hardly a master of the system, from a pure story perspective I always found a lot of the Undersiders to be pretty crazy strong right from the start. Grue and Regent took a while to get really scary, and Imp doesn't enter the picture for a while, but Skitter, Tattle, and Bitch struck me as forces to be reckoned with from the get-go. Skitter hospitalizes one of the strongest capes in Brockton Bay all on her own right at the start of the story, and the Undersiders beat the numerically superior Wards, plus Glory Girl and Panacea, in a straight fight very early on, and with Skitter and Bitch both holding back from any potentially lethal use of their potent powers.

I took a look at the thread Sanctaphrax is talking about, and that depiction seems to be a great way to represent a pure mortal in a cape world without needing extremely high skill amounts!

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:28:37 PM »
I feel it is important to note that Red Hood survives several falls and throws there that would leave a Wormverse normal crippled or dead.  :P

You'll definitely want to power these guys up and tweak the general nature of their powers if you want them to have the same amount of respect as the Undersiders, since the Undersiders are pretty hardcore in terms of powersets, if not always mentality. Wendigo should be a solid enough Brute with Supernatural everything, but the others just aren't quite there. Taylor alone could probably destroy the rest of the team under Wormverse logic as it stands, and the Undersiders' MO of giant hellhounds, enveloping darkness, swarms of killer bugs, possessing your own allies and turning them against you, and an invisible assassin is a good sight more terrifying.

I would urge you to consider reevaluating Flayer's skill distribution. He's supposed to be a highly competent leader, but right now pretty much every skill above Good (+3) is a combat-related one, with the exception of Scholarship. If all of his skills related to leadership are just slightly above-average for his level, I don't think he makes a particularly convincing or effective leader, especially since he has no kind of Thinker power to fall back on. Consider dropping down some of his combat skills in favor of social ones. The dude's inevitably going to struggle in combat compared to most of Brockton Bay's heavy hitters, so you might as well.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:29:44 AM »
As Sanctaphrax said, it's not really about racism, it's about the conventions of the Worm world. You pretty much need a Thinker or, failing that, a ton of really serious superpowered muscle to be seen as one of the city's strongest forces.  Even the most competent normal can't hold a candle to Skitter's unbelievable multitasking, Coil's risk management, or Tattletale's information-gathering and psychological warfare.

A standard comic book "normal" like Batman would be a Tinker in the Wormverse anyways given his ability to produce and/or manufacture a variety of bizarre and specific tools and weapons on demand, which leaves a true Wormverse normal with nothing but their wits and their guns. Wits will not suffice against a Thinker, and guns will not suffice against quite a few different kinds of capes.

If you're really determined, you can run with it, but you'll need to come up with a very compelling reason as to why this gang is taken seriously when they're headed up by, and taking orders from, a non-powered individual. In the eyes of the nastier types in Brockton Bay, not having powers makes you weak, and if you're a powered person taking orders from a normal, than to them you're weak too. Flayer's gonna need one hell of a rep. You might consider having him pass himself off as some kind of Thinker for appearances when in fact he's just a near-genius level intellect without the benefit of any special powers. This accomplishes your goal of retaining his normalcy while also granting a plausible reason for him to be taken seriously within the community, as well as a potential weakness and plot hook for PCs to explore and exploit. His parentage will also make establishing such a facade fairly easy for him. Keep him well away from Tattle, though!  ;)

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:36:06 PM »
To be honest, based on how they're described I wouldn't rate these guys too highly on the Brockton Bay tier list, if you will. Being a badass normal just doesn't really cut it in the highly lethal and high-powered Wormverse, and none of the others are particularly intimidating when compared to people like Skitter, Imp, Regent, Vista, Lung, Clockblocker, or Purity, to name a few. As Vista put it, Brockton Bay capes are some real [censords].

I'd strongly consider taking another look at the badass normal. Story reasons for all capes having powers aside, even the most preptime'd of preptimer normals cannot compete with a decent Tinker in the Wormverse, let alone the stronger capes. If you want Wormverse A-listers, you can't really have a normal. Remember, capes aren't just there to fight other capes. Both heroes and villains serve as the first and last line of defense against Endbringers and S-level threats, and a normal can contribute absolutely nothing to that kind of fight.

You might be able to sell these guys as scarier than the Undersiders within your story because the Undersiders pull their punches like crazy, but in an actual head-on fight they'd definitely get wrecked.

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