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Messages - Sir Aeon

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Fetch Changling
« on: July 07, 2015, 08:21:00 PM »
So one of my players is looking at playing a changling whose fae parent was a Fetch. Now my question is what powers would he have access to? I was thinking inhuman speed, mimic form (or Flesh Mask) and possibly a power that works with the mirror-gate thing a Fetch can do.

Any ideas or opinions?

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:38:40 PM »
Hello all

I'm attempting to write a 20 chapter novel (each chapter around 2500 words) , Abjuration of Catacombs. Anyways the story is about a rag tag group of heros(yes I know this has been done many times) are trying to stop a necromancer from releasing six arch devils.

I have the first two chapters done. The story original was going to be first person veiw from the necromancer's veiw but I ended up as a third person with the heros. The necromancer I based off of cowl at first but it soon jumped off of the train tracks and he became something else. He is a creature from another plane of reality who wants to cause chaos in the world just for the fun of it and he does not have a concrete plan

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