1. How did you start gaming?A few people I was playing badminton with invited me to try it.
2. What system did you start with?Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition
3. What systems have you played?Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition, Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition, FATE, Savage Worlds (orig., revised, explorer's, deluxe), World of Darkness (old and new), Exalted, SIFRPG, Shadowrun.
4. What system/s are your favorite?In general, FATE has a lot of appeal.
Shadowrun is the sort of setting where the system fits the setting amazingly.
D&D3e has a special place for me, of course.
5. What caused you to try DFRPG?I heard about it and bought them on a whim

Then, when I was moving (involving a lot of trips with the train), I bought some books to read, including Storm Front. Two months later, I'd read them all and looked over the roleplaying system from a new perspective. Then I tried getting a group started up and that brings us to the present.
6. What is your preference in gaming group size?I've had groups between 2 and 8. Each type of group lends itself to particular types of games, so I fit the game style to the group size.
7. How open are you to gaming with people you don't know or hardly know?Fairly open, though if a total stranger stopped me on the street and asked I'd be creeped out that he knew I was a roleplayer.
8. What is you best quality as a GM?Willing to fit plotlines to whatever the players want.
9. What is your worst quality as a GM?I'm **** at preparing for sessions.
10. Importance of game balance 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)5.
Game balance needs only be observed if the players care. Infinite loops or malicious reading of the rules are banned, but if you've found a superior strategy, then, by all means, use it.
11. Importance of setting/canon of universe 1 - 10 (1 being lowest 10 besing highest)#.
Depends on what the group agrees on.
12. Custom setting or established setting?Yes.
13. During character creation are freedom of powers more important or the chracter concept and the powers and skills fitting that concept?I expect the characters powers/skills to fit their concept. Whether powers inspire concept or concept inspire powers, I really don't care.
17. Roll play or roleplay?Stormwinds Fallacy.