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Messages - Camael

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Code Duello help
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:05:11 AM »
Thank you so much.
I love the locked in with zombies idea; I'm not sure if the count down for sunrise is a good or bad thing which probably give my players room to take advantage if they're smart.
I might put them in chairs to prevent them running away. I might also let them use magic to defend from zombies, because eventually they'll need to choose between a mental consequence from casting or a physical from being eaten :)

DFRPG / Code Duello help
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:11:24 AM »
I'm running a game set in London during the war with red court.
The warden of the party has just challenged the red court sorceror npc to a duel. So far so good.
Jack the Ripper (powerful white court) is officiating in a graveyard with a zombie infestation (they only discovered this after agreeing to the location).
The problem is they chose Will as the contest.
Mordite doesn't seem to fit the characters, or really seem very theatrical.
Has anyone done this before or does anyone have any suggestions for a suitable contest? Also any ideas for mechanics,  I'm thinking a mental contest with discipline vs conviction but something with more flavour would be better.

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