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Messages - Akankie

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He figured that having Harry help with the council's counterattack was more important than saving one child that was probably already dead or turned (from his point of view). Also, couldn't he just hide behind a few Wards in the Nevernever if self-preservation was his goal?

And don't we have a Soulgaze confirming he's a good guy (Also, why would being the Blackstaff make him automatically evil)?

Ah but if the council's attack was so important to him why did he leave it. If it was me I wouldn't take the chance on the curse working Ortaga's widow was putting it together specifically for him don't you think she would have thought about him doing just that and taken precautions against it.

The soul gaze isn't a lie detector and it's a one shot deal people change besides that EB might think he's perfectly justified in forming the BC like Jim often says people rarely think of themselves as the monster.

Being the black staff doesn't automatically make him evil it just means he is willing to violate everything he claims he believes in to further his and the council's agenda if that wouldn't  screw up the sanest of people I don't know what would.

I think McCoy has to have his hands tied by the Council and maybe trying to prevent Molly from being hunted as much.  I mean, I'm sure he was royally pissed at whoever killed Harry, but he also knew how upset Harry was over the choices he was forced to make.  Maybe he knew that Harry was going to find a way out of Mab's grips, and while he didn't agree with them, he accepted them.

Does anyone else see EB as the bad guy, he is the blackstaff after all he didn't get involved with helping Harry out tell he found out about the bloodline curse affecting him. I mean come on he's totally black council, he's just using the "gray council" to occupy harry and to weed out the good guys from the ones he can use.

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