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Messages - Kyrin Lightbringer

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:19:43 AM »
Definitely getting closer but not quite there yet. Hmm ok i'll sit down and try to come up with something and you guys can tear it apart and fix it. That i think should be the next step

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 04:59:50 AM »
Ah thats where I'm messing up. I was trying to say that I would ADD a catch to all of them because of the nature of my power to help balance it?

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 04:38:32 AM »
OK so here is what I'm proposing and you tell me how we can work it(and if it can't i'll try to figure out one of the other ways you listed). So I think i want to try something that mixes MSE with The Catch but have no spoken incantations just a thought. It is spell like tho since it will be using my magic power. But rebates galore with the catch that my power is extremely limited with thresholds and running water. Not really sure how to word this.

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:52:54 AM »
I'm with you so far. So since it's Magic that gives me my power Then the weakness for all of them would be thresholds and running water correct?

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:36:30 AM »
AH HA! Thats where I'm losing it. REBATES! ok please explain them.

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:25:31 AM »
I'll try. Ok if my character concept is that due to my internalization of magic (as opposed to externalization which would be normal spell slinging) I gain the abilities of hardened skin(natural armor) and greater strength(earth), faster speed and reflexes(air), heightened awareness(spirit) due to my affinity for those elements. But if i took the abilities such as inhuman speed, strength and toughness that would automatically be a -6 refresh rate and thats a little low ability wise anyway. Am I understanding how to do this right?

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:09:37 AM »
Hmm...But then I'd start out with at a bare minimum -8 or 10 which i can't do as a can i make this a bit more manageable?

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 02:55:00 AM »
So your saying that since I wouldn't(most likely) cast spells normally I could take the supernatural abilities and claim them though my inherent internalized magic?

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 20, 2011, 12:26:43 AM »
I just woke up but I think so? I'll have to look at it again in a little bit. To be completely honest some of the character creation aspects confuse me.

DFRPG / Re: Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 19, 2011, 10:21:09 AM »
Yeah thats pretty darn close. Ok I'm still a bit confused about a few points but feel free to ignore me or tell me to "READ A BOOK" as Mr. Handy(The Tick) might say. So I'm looking at probably superhuman speed and toughness. I could probably do without strength and recovery if I had to as that might be a bit overkill? So would you go with Channeling twice(for Earth and Air I suppose) or Evocation with Refinement? I must admit I'm not completely sure how this all works.

DFRPG / Help! Character Creation Concept Help.
« on: December 19, 2011, 09:22:00 AM »
First off I will start off with saying(and i hope that this doesn't constitute any type of spoiler) this is in no way based off of a certain character from changes. I actually had this idea when this system first came out but have never made him because I don't have a group to play with. Now that that's been said on to the concept.

Ok I have a fairly good idea of what I want to build just not really sure how to go about it I.E. what's feasible, what I'll have to compromise on and what I'll have to sacrifice. I'll do little bits and pieces so no one runs away with this idea from where I'm trying to take him.

First off he will be a sword fighter who doesn't ever use guns(some funny Aspect like Brings a Knife to a Gun Fight). Most likely a Japanese Katana (possible Item of Power route if I can get away with it). Stealthy Hunter type preferable but can also go the Jump Head First route if need be.

Now that you have a basis for where I want to start lets get to the tricky part. He will be a magic user but not in the way of most so possibly more of a Focused Practitioner than a Minor Talent. He will internalize magic to up his melee prowess and capabilities I.E. Air to make him faster, Earth to harden his skin etc. Maybe some form of Channeling? This is where I'm getting a bit lost. Any thoughts? Template? Is this even possible? Well obviously it is because of that
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. I'll leave out the rest for now lets just start with this.

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