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Messages - Efawhs

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: May 31, 2007, 11:46:27 PM »
I am new to the boards and would like to join this writer's group.  I haven't figured out how to send a PM yet so any advice would help.  I've read quite a bit so far and was wondering...  Has anyone thought about taking a collection of stories from everyone and putting them all together in a book?  Maybe that would be a way to get some of us noted among the published. 

Just a thought.  (we can even blame Jim Butcher in the credits of the book for inspiring us to get together and create such a hodgepodge (sp?) of styles and genre.)  hehe.  Might have to ask him if he MINDS getting credit though. :)

Just a thought.  Be strong, be safe and let your heart flow through your hand.


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