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Messages - Judanas

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Why is the true love catch +0?
« on: August 22, 2012, 04:38:05 PM »
Children born of True Love probably wouldn't count.

Not even if thrown?

DFRPG / Re: Jade Books In Heaven/Book of Thoth Items of Power
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:12:40 PM »

Take the Item of Power power and attach the powers you want to it.

Oh yes, I meant fluff-wise. Should I use Evocation and Thaumaturgy for it or would it be more of a 'Sponsored Magic' thing?

DFRPG / Jade Books In Heaven/Book of Thoth Items of Power
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:55:26 PM »
I was pondering how possible it would be to have a Sorcerer who's source of Evocation and Thaumaturgy are an Item of Power along the lines of the Jade Books in Heaven or the Book of Thoth? They don't have power themselves but they have an artifact with more than enough innate mumbo jumbo to give them the power?

DFRPG / Re: Valkyrie Catch & Questions
« on: October 30, 2011, 06:58:38 PM »
Odin dies to be eeatned by Fenris, Tyr lost a hand to Fenris.

What if Balder's vulnerability to mistletoe was something that all the Vanir shared? The story of only Balder being vulnerable to it could be a misdirection Odin propagated to keep others from knowing it was a universal weakness.

Ooh...those are really good ideas.

DFRPG / Re: Valkyrie Catch & Questions
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:32:30 PM »
Mistletoe was Baldur's weakness so it doesn't have to be personal.

That was my logic. Gard has 'Decedent of Beowulf' as an aspect, so I thought that a hint of blood of another sort would be an idea for a catch/plotlines/reasoning for getting even more toughness later.

Birds is certainly an interesting one, one I had not thought of.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation vs Mental/Social Track
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:27:35 PM »
Lawbreaker is a weak deterrent because non-humans are the ones you most want to use mental attacks against.

Sort of. According to 'Our World', Toot Toot was considered human by the Wardens for the purpose of mental effects.

'Human' is apparently a very wide net.

DFRPG / Re: So he is going to fight some Blampires...
« on: October 28, 2011, 08:42:57 AM »
Give the Vampire a gun.

I think a Black Court that has lasted very long should be smart enough to go 'I should stay out of holy water and garlic range sometimes'

DFRPG / Valkyrie Catch & Questions
« on: October 27, 2011, 03:24:20 AM »
I think this is the right place to ask, if not, sorry.

I'm making a Valkyrie for a game that will be starting in about a week and have run into a brick wall. I have no clue what to make her catch.

Valkyries don't really have a mythological weakness and Gard breaks the rules by having none.

I've come up blank so I was wondering if any of you had any ideas?

So far my backup is to have an aspect referencing old, powerful blood and having mistletoe be my weakness but that's a personal one, not a Valkyrie one.

Also, while there is mainly judeo-christian characters with True Faith powers, would there really be any reason a worshiper of the norse gods, even an empowered one, could not have it? It's about the faith, not the god last I checked.

DFRPG / Re: Mental and Social Armour
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:05:11 AM »
Possibly simply an 'enchanted item'.

The fact they overlap so little is a little irksome. On the topic of mental armour, would it be acceptable to have an IoP give refinement, the refinement being the item itself? Likely trading 'Not swappable' with 'Works on something besides lore' for the enchanted item effect? Otherwise, IoPs can't really give mental armour, while Enchanted Can.

DFRPG / Re: Mental and Social Armour
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:49:31 AM »
Potent Emotion IS quite strong, but it is not really any "better" than the equivalent refresh value worth of other offensive options.

I guess not...I think I might be just getting bent out of shape due to mind control being a pet peeve of mine. I'd rather see a character dead than 'Go sit in the corner, I'm going to play with my new Renfield. Your ass is mine.'

Sorry for the trouble.

DFRPG / Re: Mental and Social Armour
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:07:29 AM »
Chainmail would probably be armor 1

Well, 2 going by Charity's stats but that's got some Kevlar too.

I do agree about social but there are no real supernatural powers that hit social.

Mental on the other hand...ouch. It is a lot easier to get a mental weapon than a mental armour, the latter being nigh impossible to find. It's just kinda sad to look at Micheal Carpenter or Ms Gard or even Marcone and realize 'An Up To the Waist character could have them bowing at his feet in under a minute'.

DFRPG / Re: Mental and Social Armour
« on: October 23, 2011, 04:44:09 AM »
Mental conflict is incredibly brutal.  Re-read the description of mental conflicts on YS217-219.  Mental consequences aren't "Embarrassed;" they are "Suicidal Thoughts."

That's kinda my point. Potent emotion would blow almost anyone out of the water incredibly fast. The example of Ms Gard is 'One hit from potent emotion and she's at at least a minor consequence, let alone if they actually win by a decent amount'

It seems more than a little unfair that it is so one sided, with people being able to perform mental attacks slaughtering those who can't. Against a physical attack, you can get some chainmail or a bullet proof vest to help you weather the damage. Against mental damage? Mages MIGHT have a spell up to do it...everyone else is going to hang.

DFRPG / Mental and Social Armour
« on: October 23, 2011, 02:35:16 AM »
This may be a stupid question but I have not spotted an answer anywhere. Does mental or social armour exist outside of a few stunts?

A few friends and I were looking over emotion control and I saw that you can get weapon 4 with it. This struck me as odd, as I've never seen mental armour outside of one stunt. Would something like a holy symbol be mental armour as it gives you confidence and surety?

Otherwise, I'm sorta seeing any mental battle as a very one sided 'Whoever can smash the other guy down first' battle, as no one can honestly defend against it to any real extent. Doubly so with people who can't actually do mental attacks back. Gard herself only has 3 dots of mental stress, meaning even she would be taken down exceptionally fast by a single changeling with potent emotion.

By the same token, does mental or social versions of inhuman/supernatural/mythic toughness exist for mental and social effects?

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