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Messages - qlawdat

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So I love the Dresden game.  The more I play it the more I love it.   Something that has been floating around in my head for a while is the idea of ranked aspects.  I ran a one shot for some people who had never played the game before, and the idea that all aspects, mechanically, did the same thing was a bit baffeling to some of them.  And I agree.  Why is tagging the aspect "incense" just as powerful as tagging the "silver inlaid summoning circle" when performing a summoning ritual?    Why does the aspect "focused" has just as much effect on my fireball spell as the aspect "erupting nearby volcano"?   Now I know that for Dresden the answer is "it just does, move on", and I am ok with that for the core game.  But some of my friends would like to use the system for other settings.

I do really like the idea of ranked aspects though.  Some aspects are more powerful than others.  So I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to tackle this.   Thanks!

DFRPG / Re: Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 18, 2011, 04:37:00 PM »
Of note all of this talk about guns and hexing is moot. For one qlawdat has clarified several times that the GM is ok with this concept. For two they aren't even playing in the same universe. It's possible that in this other universe there is no hexing, or that hexing effects cats and dogs. All of that is kinda up to qlawdat's GM isn't it?

Yes.  Thank you.  My GM does not care about any hexing happening to my guns.  They are made specifically for gun magery, and are immune to hexing. 

as to the dodge vs resist the way id do it is with 2 rolls for the defender. Id have them make an athletics vs your guns to get out of the way of the bullet, thus never being effected by the spell. If the bullet hits then id have them make a resist roll vs the spell (potion str). Endurance vs str for spells like fireball, discipline vs str for hallucinations, conviction vs str for mind control (If your a Law Breaker), ect ect. That way they can dodge the bullet itself and still have a chance to reduce the damage if actually hit by it. That would help in my game to reduce the damage down to a more manageable amount. Of course it could also skyrocket it if the resisting character has a low resist roll but that is no different then if a wizard uses a 8 refresh lighting bolt vs a character with no endurence... there gonna do a lot of damage. I'd also make you spend time in character building your potion bullets... of course the ones in creation are free but Id make you build the reloads. Also a failed roll might not mean that you dont create one. It might be a dud or a backfiring bullet... the compel options are very interesting that way.

Having the target roll twice seems excessive.  The gun will fire the prepped spell/potion, but once the spell leaves the gun it will function exactly the same as the spell or potion.  I do not want to be punished for having an idea.   

I'm on Haru's side here. The gun is just fluff, making the effect weaker because the player decides to flavour it as bullet-based strikes me as awful.

Hexing shouldn't be a problem. It's just compels, and compels are not a bad thing.

As for the actual question of the thread, listen to computerking. His answer is correct, and if you care at all about optimization you should follow his afterthought and boost your Crafting strength.

PS: Be careful with the balance here; Crafting is possibly the most powerful thing in this game. Weapon 10 bullets and 10 shift maneuvers are impressive, but roughly on par with an equivalent amount of Refresh spent on other stunts and powers. The real worry is blocks and Thaumaturgy: a 10-shift version of Harry's coat can make a character incredibly hard to hurt while a 10-shift Thaumaturgical skill replacement can make other characters obsolete. And 10 shifts of Orbius can convince me to firebomb your house.

I didn't know you could use the Thaumaturgy to replace other skills.  Interesting.   I had also skipped the Orbius skill, and dear god is that powerful.  Sheesh. 

DFRPG / Re: Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 17, 2011, 02:37:42 PM »
My GM has said that the guns would work just fine with magic.  So that is not an issue.  I like the potions idea.  So if I had 32 potion slots, how many would I need to spend to make one potion that is a weapon 10?  That is where I get confused.

DFRPG / Re: Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 17, 2011, 02:42:57 AM »
I am working under the impression that I will have normal bullets that do gun damage, and the spells in the form of enchanted items that do whatever they do, no combining them.  I would probably be using the Guns skill to hit though.  I am mostly a bit hazy on the item creation rules.  So any help there would be very welcome.

DFRPG / Re: Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:31:31 AM »
I was thinking they would be based on old revolvers, and that his magic would not have any negative impact on his guns.

DFRPG / Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 17, 2011, 12:49:01 AM »
I am playing in a dimension hopping game (think sliders) using the DFRPG and materials from the dresden resources website.  We are playing at the chest deep level.  I had an idea for a gun mage, and would love some help.  My thoughts so far are that he would take either Ritual (gun mage stuff) or thaumaturgy, and then refinement a few times for enchanted items..  Maybe a few gun related stunts.   My thought is that he would have a bunch of spells prepped ahead of time in his bullets, but only a limited about, hence the item route.

I have never made an item based character, so want to make sure my math is correct.    If I take ritual I would get 4 enchanted item slots, and assuming a lore of 5 I could make some of these items?  Oh, I know that there is a size limitation on items, my GM is allowing me to ignore this for the moment. 

A bullet that does a weapon 10 attack would cost 5 enchanted item slots?
A bullet that does a weapon 8 attack vs a zone would cost 5 EI slots? 
A bullet that does a defensive ability at a 10 defence would cost 5?
For the above a 10 is the max correct?

Using 1 EI slot I could increase the uses of all of the above to an extra use per session?  I am aware that you can take mental stress to get extra uses.

Once again thanks for any help.

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