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Messages - biffstella

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:34:20 AM »
Harry - Armie Hammer - tall (6'5") thin, could pull off the smarta** stuff
Marcone - I can't see anyone but Ray Stevenson here.  Go look at his character in
Thomas - Colin Farrell - gorgeous, sexy, sweet and dangerous
Justine - Scarlett Johanssen
Butters - Jay Baruchel

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: November 27, 2012, 06:53:45 AM »
I like Nathan Fillion as Harry, but only if he slimmed down.  Matt Bomer is Thomas, I picture Reese Witherspoon when I see Murphy.  Eva Longoria for Susan, Angelina Jolie for Lara, Jay Baruchel for Butters.  And Ray Stevenson (if you can't get George Clooney) for Marcone.  Ray was playing Marcone with an accent on this season of Dexter. For Michael I see Adam Baldwin.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: October 23, 2011, 03:23:16 AM »
First time poster here
I keep wondering about the Fairy Kings.  If there are 2 queens, 2 ladies, 2 Mothers are there 2 kings, 2 lords and 2 Fathers?  And if the Queens have Summer and Winter Knights, do the Kings has female versions of these Knights?  Could Harry's father actually be the Winter King?  Would explain why Mab and Lea are so interested in him and how Maggie Sr. knew so much about the fairy world and it paths. Was Malcolm Dresden really a fairy king, hiding out or on some master plan for Harry's future destiny?

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