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Messages - Riotoku

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DFRPG / Re: Character Request Game
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:01:34 AM »

Powers: Sponsored Magic (Grim Reaper), Item of Power.
Aspects: Never met a problem a Bullet Didn't Fix, Wiseass, Problems with Authority.
Primary Skills: Burglary, Guns

Well in this case, it represents a player who has two characters wither to use interchangeably or side-by-side when we're short on players. Both separate characters who grow independently of each other. One Main Character, or as we call it the Host, and a Sub Character, the Parasite. The Parasite pulls some of its powers off the Host, Gaining a bit of spell-casting in this sense. And the option to use the Hosts Focus Item slots. The Host usually gains a minor Benefit from the Parasite. In this case Find My Shaman. Its a way for me to have a constant, dedicated player make up for my less dedicated or often absent players. So we can play more often.

I listed the Sacred Guardian power in options for that very purpose to make it more of a GM player decision and less of a constant benefit that they all share.

I really like this Template actually so i may have overlooked inherent problems with it. I look forward to any Constructive Criticism. Also if you end up using any of the template i would be interested in An overview of the character you rolled, as examples.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Now with Elementals)
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:20:14 PM »
A Word on Tandem Templates
   As a Gm and a player, i tend to get bored with playing one character for protracted amounts of time. Its Why i usually Gm as opposed to play in Games. Lots of characters with varying powers. So back in my DnD days i came up with the tandem system, which is two characters who work in harmony or often in place of each other. This is my First Tandem Template he Totem Animal. It works Tandem off of My Shaman Template. And soon I’ll write up the tandem Shaman.

Totem Animals
   A Totem animal is Forged by the binding of a Shaman to the power of nature. The specific form it takes is determined by the Shaman’s personality and Echoes of the beast ability. So a Dog Shaman would create a dog, a raven a raven. and so on and so forth.
   They are physical being that has its own personality and its own thoughts. It isn’t an extension of the Shaman but more like a child or partner. A child of the shaman and his magic. They can project their thoughts to communicate with others, though many of them abstain from doing this around strangers, they tend to get tired of people screaming talking dog. Though often they just rationalize it away. 
   The Totem is tied to His Shaman very deeply. Allowing him to use some of the Shamans Magic as well as binding it to his lifeblood. If a shaman Dies so too does his Totem animal, and its believed viceversa. Being Half Spirit creatures they are comfortable in both the Nevernever and the Physical World. Most animals of a similar type view the Totem as a Strong member of their own species, and react accordingly, either fleeing, submitting, or seeking to defeat the Totem. (If you so choose you may treat this as a -1 effect, though i felt it was +0 so i just left it out.) Totems come in many forms usually Mammal, or Bird, though Aquatic and Reptile Totems aren’t unheard of.

Musts: High Concept must reflect both Animal Nature and Shaman they are bound too. Ie: Rio’s Magic Dog, or Guardian raven of Lake. Also if a Totem takes either Evocation, or Thaumaturgy it instantly loses its * Abilities. As it is no longer bound to its Shaman.
World Walker [-2]
Mind Speech [+0 or -1] (See Below)
The Sight [-1]
Soul Gaze [+0]
*Find My Shaman [-1] (See Below)
*Rote Magic [-1] (See Below)

*Only if using the Tandem Template, if not replace these With either Channeling or Rituals: Totemic. (Ectomancy, but with Spirits as opposed to Ghosts.)

Options: I highly Suggest Sacred Guardian [-1] OW80, to give yourself a tiny boost. Or Any of the Inhuman Physical abilities. A good catch would be mad made weaponry or True magic. Even Faith for a more darkness aligned Totem. You might also Consider a Demense of Your shaman’s Home or Swift Transition if not bound to a shaman.

Minimum Refresh Cost: -5

Mind Speech [+0]
Denotes the ability to project ones thoughts into a room as a form of communication. This expresses itself to the human mind as Spoken words. (Much like Mouse during the Changes Case File.) Anyone within ear shot, One Zone typically, can hear the Speaker, and is thus no different than speaking verbally.
Dedicated Speech [+1] This denotes the ability to only be heard by one person. Having no way to verbally or mentally communicate with any other living being save the one you are dedicated too.
True Mind Speech: [-1] Allows the user to send close circuit messages directly into the minds of others. This is one way communication. And could be easily duplicated through thaumaturgy.

Find my Shaman [-1]
As long as the Totems Shaman is not being veiled or warded from the Totems senses the Totem knows exactly where he is. Other Thresholds or other such blocks Require a Discipline Roll to Find, subject to similar Divination magic resists. If the Totems Conviction is greater than the Threshold or base defense of the block. It is assumed the ability still functions.

Rote Magic [-1]
A Totem has all the Rote Spells his Shaman does, He casts the Rote using his own Skills and takes all consequences. If the Rote requires a Focus Item, the Roll suffers a Penalty equal to the Bonus granted by the Focus.
Many Shamans dedicate at least one Totem Rote and give one of their focus slots to the Totem. Though the Totem may take Refinement [-1] for the SOLE purpose of DUPLICATING a preexisting focus item. They cannot use this ability to Create their own Focus Items, Only the Shaman can do that for them.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Now with Elementals)
« on: September 23, 2011, 05:51:15 AM »
I really like this stuff.

Thankyou ^ ^ that means a lot to me.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Now with Elementals)
« on: September 23, 2011, 05:49:41 AM »
I think i misunderstood Marked by power then, and for my purposes it was mostly to represent that when in their natural form they are obviously not human. Fire hair and marble skin and what not. So the Human Form might work better if that's what you liked. In my world These guys play a bigger role in the day to day than the Fae courts. As Tucson is so thoroughly Summers territory that they don't squabble over us much. I agree with you as far as the physical stuff goes and by all means, I'm just happy you enjoyed the Idea, I've been using these guys since my World of Darkness days.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Well one at least)
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:16:48 PM »
The Icogtu
Fearing the Growing power of the Fae Courts the Primal elements sought refuge in our world. Finding the energy necessary to maintain their forms in our world too great, they made a desperate grab. They infused themselves with humanity. Taking either dying or sick children and infusing them with their power. Granting them with control over their element.
The Elemental usually lays dormant feeding of the host until its mentally prepared to handle its power. Often seeming Anemic(in the case of earth), or Asthmatic (for Air). Then when the Child has matured they slowly grant int more and more power. As they accept this power it changes them. They become less and less human and more like their unfeeling neutral patrons. Icogtu have to constantly feed their Patrons, absorbing the element from the world around them. If they need to feed desperately the most nutritious for them are the elements of the human body, Stealing Body heat (Fire), Water causing dehydration (Water).
While under their Human Guise they seem perfectly human, but when it drops their elemental nature instantly shows. Whether Hair made of fire or always being dripping wet. Many mistake them for Fae due to these aspects, but the Icogtu carry their patrons hatred for the Fae and will always seek to end their machinations whenever possible.

Note: I purposefully left out Spirit as that deals with very Human concepts. But if you would like to add a Necromatic or Biomatic Elemental the rules should still apply.

High Concept must involve your chosen Element. If Evocation or Thumatugry are taken later, their opposite element takes a negative specialty, and focus items of their opposite element will cause them 1 physical stress for every turn held.

Pure Fire [-4], Pure Water [-4], Pure Air [-4], Pure Earth [-4]
Marked by Power [-1]
Human Guise [+0]
Wizard's Constitution [+0]
Feeding Dependency [+1] (Element) Which will effect all Abilities listed below:
At least one of the Following: Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2] or Supernatural Toughness: to only your own Element [-2] [-4 plus +2 for additional Catch Discount.]
Catch Being an Opposite Element to your own [+2] or all elements besides your own [+3]

An increase in any of their skills or True Magic. Plus other thematic Minor Abilities. Like Cloak of Shadows for An Air Elemental, or Aquatic or Wings for Water and Air. 

Minimum Refresh Cost: -5

Elemental Sponsored Magic Entry
Pure Earth: Drawing on the Primal forces of Earth, you’re able to cast spells that fit its essential Nature: Stone, Metal, Gravity and Magnetism.
Cost: 4 refresh for this package, And being born with an elemental in your soul. Reduce this cost by one if you have Evocation or Thaumaturgy; reduse the cost by two if you have both.
Benefits: Standard sponsored magic benefits. Pure Earth is particullary effective against flying creatures or those associated with Air, Downgrading their toughness by one. Pure Earth can be used for Evocation within the earth Element. And adds a +1 to Conjuration or Earth Alligned objects and creatures, and is Often used for defense and Warding.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Well one at least)
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:41:36 AM »
I actually appreciate the Feedback. And the concept of it becoming a stronger Talisman ^ ^ thank you sir.

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Well one at least)
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:46:51 AM »
It actually deals with the fact that without that Item they have no magic. It can be taken from them. Plus i didn't really fully comprehend Sponsored magic at the time. And its only the one Animal, though i guess there could be exceptions. To each their own i guess. I just liked the concept of being able to lose ones magic.

Maybe Dino Fossils, or A really Old dragon Skull. Both would be interesting. Depending on your players you should put things in that may be important relics to their backgrounds, like an Ancient Faerie Flag or some such for a Changeling. 

DFRPG / Re: Templates for My Arizona Game (Well one at least)
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:46:19 PM »
I'm working on the Setting, and a few other Templates but they aren't as intrinsic to the Setting as the Difference between Shamans and Wizards.

     While Wizards and Sorcerers are the magical heavy hitters of the Dresdenverse their are other Players in the large scheme of things. In many places in the americas a Shamnic Tradition has developed into something more. The Primal Spririts of the Natural world grew afraid of Wizards and their Long lived consequences. Many Animal Spirits set out and made pacts with those they could trust and lay their faith in. Giving them the tools to Fight against Wizard’s that would push their destructive envelopes too far.
     Shamans are not Wizards, their magic comes from a Pact made with one, (or Sometimes more) Animal Spirits. Having keen senses and strong ties to nature, as well as Strong faith in the natural world on par with the Champions of God. Many become Shapeshifters and healers.
     Shamans have no strong talent for Evocation, But tend to be more physical than most wizards. The pact extends their lives similar to Wizards and due to their split Soul, One half resting in the Never-never with their spirit Guide(s), they are immune to a soul-gaze. Though this often causes more problems for them then it cures. Inherently distrusting of the White Council, it could be assumed that Listens to Wind is A Shaman who has joined their ranks. (Especially because he has never been soulgazed in the books).

-Supernatural Sense [-1] (Often Related to the Animal Chosen, Purely Mystical(Using Lore))
-Echoes of the Beast [-1]
-Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
-Either Bless this House [-1] or Guide My Hand [-1]   
-Item of Power [Varies] Talisman (This is the Representation of the Pact that was made. A Dog Shaman Might Have a metal Leash, An Eagle Shaman Might have a Feather.)
 Channeling [-2], and Thamaturgy [-3]
 Channeling [-2], and Rituals [-2]
As with Wizard’s Refinement is always Good, And many buy up to full Evocation. But some Shaman, Focus on Faith based abilities or Shape-shifting. Preferring to grow closer to their Animal Ancestors.
Minimum Refresh Cost: -6
From the Case-files: Listens-to-Wind could be considered. But Lacks the Religious aspects.

The Icogtu
Fearing the Growing power of the Fae Courts the Primal elements sought refuge in our world. Finding the energy necessary to maintain their forms in our world too great, they made a desperate grab. They infused themselves with humanity. Taking either dying or sick children and infusing them with their power. Granting them with control over their element.
The Elemental usually lays dormant feeding of the host until its mentally prepared to handle its power. Often seeming Anemic(in the case of earth), or Asthmatic (for Air). Then when the Child has matured they slowly grant int more and more power. As they accept this power it changes them. They become less and less human and more like their unfeeling neutral patrons. Icogtu have to constantly feed their Patrons, absorbing the element from the world around them. If they need to feed desperately the most nutritious for them are the elements of the human body, Stealing Body heat (Fire), Water causing dehydration (Water).
While under their Human Guise they seem perfectly human, but when it drops their elemental nature instantly shows. Whether Hair made of fire or always being dripping wet. Many mistake them for Fae due to these aspects, but the Icogtu carry their patrons hatred for the Fae and will always seek to end their machinations whenever possible.

Note: I purposefully left out Spirit as that deals with very Human concepts. But if you would like to add a Necromatic or Biomatic Elemental the rules should still apply.

High Concept must involve your chosen Element. If Evocation or Thumatugry are taken later, their opposite element takes a negative specialty, and focus items of their opposite element will cause them 1 physical stress for every turn held.

Pure Fire [-4], Pure Water [-4], Pure Air [-4], Pure Earth [-4]
Marked by Power [-1]
Human Guise [+0]
Wizard's Constitution [+0]
Feeding Dependency [+1] (Element) Which will effect all Abilities listed below:
At least one of the Following: Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2] or Supernatural Toughness: to only your own Element [-2] [-4 plus +2 for additional Catch Discount.]
Catch Being an Opposite Element to your own [+2] or all elements besides your own [+3]

An increase in any of their skills or True Magic. Plus other thematic Minor Abilities. Like Cloak of Shadows for An Air Elemental, or Aquatic or Wings for Water and Air. 

Minimum Refresh Cost: -5

Elemental Sponsored Magic Entry
Pure Earth: Drawing on the Primal forces of Earth, you’re able to cast spells that fit its essential Nature: Stone, Metal, Gravity and Magnetism.
Cost: 4 refresh for this package, And being born with an elemental in your soul. Reduce this cost by one if you have Evocation or Thaumaturgy; reduse the cost by two if you have both.
Benefits: Standard sponsored magic benefits. Pure Earth is particullary effective against flying creatures or those associated with Air, Downgrading their toughness by one. Pure Earth can be used for Evocation within the earth Element. And adds a +1 to Conjuration or Earth Alligned objects and creatures, and is Often used for defense and Warding.

Totem Animals
   A Totem animal is Forged by the binding of a Shaman to the power of nature. The specific form it takes is determined by the Shaman’s personality and Echoes of the beast ability. So a Dog Shaman would create a dog, a raven a raven. and so on and so forth.
   They are physical being that has its own personality and its own thoughts. It isn’t an extension of the Shaman but more like a child or partner. A child of the shaman and his magic. They can project their thoughts to communicate with others, though many of them abstain from doing this around strangers, they tend to get tired of people screaming talking dog. Though often they just rationalize it away. 
   The Totem is tied to His Shaman very deeply. Allowing him to use some of the Shamans Magic as well as binding it to his lifeblood. If a shaman Dies so too does his Totem animal, and its believed viceversa. Being Half Spirit creatures they are comfortable in both the Nevernever and the Physical World. Most animals of a similar type view the Totem as a Strong member of their own species, and react accordingly, either fleeing, submitting, or seeking to defeat the Totem. (If you so choose you may treat this as a -1 effect, though i felt it was +0 so i just left it out.) Totems come in many forms usually Mammal, or Bird, though Aquatic and Reptile Totems aren’t unheard of.

Musts: High Concept must reflect both Animal Nature and Shaman they are bound too. Ie: Rio’s Magic Dog, or Guardian raven of Lake. Also if a Totem takes either Evocation, or Thaumaturgy it instantly loses its * Abilities. As it is no longer bound to its Shaman.
World Walker [-2]
Mind Speech [+0 or -1] (See Below)
The Sight [-1]
Soul Gaze [+0]
*Find My Shaman [-1] (See Below)
*Rote Magic [-1] (See Below)

*Only if using the Tandem Template, if not replace these With either Channeling or Rituals: Totemic. (Ectomancy, but with Spirits as opposed to Ghosts.)

Options: I highly Suggest Sacred Guardian [-1] OW80, to give yourself a tiny boost. Or Any of the Inhuman Physical abilities. A good catch would be mad made weaponry or True magic. Even Faith for a more darkness aligned Totem. You might also Consider a Demense of Your shaman’s Home or Swift Transition if not bound to a shaman.

Minimum Refresh Cost: -5

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