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Messages - Breedeeteedee

Pages: [1]
The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:18:50 PM »
Well this thread seemed as good a spot as any to post for my very first time on the boards. I must say I've been ever so slightly intimidated by the brainitude and smartiness of everyone here, which is why I've lurked for so long. That being said, I learned long ago that what type of sheepskin hangs on your wall isn't necessarily a good measurement of the size of one's brainpan.

So. I'm a gen-yoo-wine high school graj-ee-ate! I've gone on to university three times. I've dropped out three times. I've usually got a fairly good reason for it but the truth is I simply can't decide what to go to school for and spending thousands of dollars on something I might not even like when I get to the end just irks me to no end.


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