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Messages - Kestrel

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DFRPG / Re: Empathic Healing
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:56:01 PM »
That might work out great.  Particular since the way the concept is shaping up, the Fisher Knight would work for Raphael the way that the Cross Knights seem to work mainly for Michael.  Also the history of the Fisher Knight ties the concept to water.  So Sponsored Magic from Raphael with a water/healing theme would fit the concept quite well.  Thanks for the idea. 

If anyone wants it I would be wiling to post the whole concept and some of the ideas we have come up with to further expand the history and purpose of the Fisher Knight.

DFRPG / Re: Empathic Healing
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:01:38 PM »
The player had always intended for him to take the consquences and not just the stress boxes from those he healed.  He also wants to avoid just taking a IoP that does the job for him as it doesn't really fit that well into the concept - he can't heal someone without his shield?  If it worked that way then his shield should be taking dmaage not him.  So this is how he was thinking it would work:
With Inhuman Recovery: He would get the benefit of Total Recovery even for his own injuries.  Fast Recovery only works when he has healed someone and only for what he took from them.  Vigorous works for him all the time as his work is never done.  Shrug It Off only works for things he has taken and not things he has suffered.
Inhuman Toughness: He has Hard to Hurt and it works for him normally - after all he is the medic and sometimes people shoot at the medic.  Hard to Kill those boxes only exist for him to fill in with other people's hurts.

DFRPG / Empathic Healing
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:56:20 AM »
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on how to build a power for a concept that my friend has come up with.
His concept is that of the Fisher Knight - a counterpart to the Knights of the Cross.  Where the Cross Knights carry swords into battle to protect the weak, the Fisher Knight carries a shield and is more defensive. 
In keeping with that he has the ability to heal others, but only by taking on the injuries of those he heals.
So far the closest we have come to this is by giving him Inhuman Recovery and Inhuman Toughness with the catch being that his extra stress boxes and his increased recovery only works on those he heals.  We aren't sure, but are thinking of letting him have the armor and enhanced endurance of those two powers to reflect that he is tireless in protection.
Sorry if this is post is choppy.  There is more to the concept but have to go soon and just wanted to get this idea out there and see if anyone had a better way of doing this.

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