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Messages - AMinorMan

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Jim speaks much truth
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:42:46 PM »
Well, you certainly broke the rule of intelligence by not using the handy-dandy edit link to edit your original post to clean up the evidence. :P
EDIT: They call it "modify" on this forum. Same thing, though.

original post?? what original post?? I have no idea what you are talking about.  Hmm, oh well.   ;)

Anyhoo, to get back on topic, I agree with Kiriath; especially concerning character development...Jim's instructions are priceless! It seems so basic, but I had never thought to create a list of Tags or Traits for use with each character-I guess i just figured I knew my characters in my head, so they would come out consistent on paper.  As an ULTRA newbie writer, I find his basic instruction to be a very helpful resource.  Now if he can just spare the time to do an article on dialogue.......

Author Craft / Re: Jim speaks much truth
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:31:15 PM »
I am kicking myself because Jim came to San Diego (my stomping grounds) last Saturday for a signing of 'Proven Guilty' -which is INCREDIBLE- and I didn't find out in time to get the day off work.  Se la vie, but yeah, that would be cool to have a forum here discussing/posting personal appearances of The  Great One.

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