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Messages - LDF

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Does morality have to entail choice ?
In my opinion...yes.
Because, to me, morality is about a set of rules and values you choose to adhere, not are forced to adhere to.

I am willing to think of the way in which Faerie thought and engagement with the universe is shaped by inability to lie as a morality, myself.
I've always seen it as a biological imperative...something forced upon them by the universe, as a counterbalance to their greater lifespan and power, and as such, not a moral choice.

Your view is interesting though.

That depends on the morality.  It certainly seems to be basic for Faerie.
Is it morality if you simply cannot lie?

  Honesty is basic to morality my friend.  Yes, she did, and she also taught them how wolves act, no more, no less, true to themselves and true to the animal form they were taking, that is ethics.
See, this is the problem with your argument, Mira.
Above, you claimed Tera West had 'great moral character' which would have been communicated to Fitz, had she raised him.

Using the values you've defined above (Honesty), and given that I don't think we see any instance of Fitz lying, that means he also shows 'great moral character', using your definition.

Part of the problem with using the 'moral' argument is that 'morals' are different for different people.
I dont' think 'being true to yourself' has anythign to do with ethics or morality, personally.
On top of that, we don't really see Tera exhibit any morals...she's never put in a position where she has to make a moral choice.
All we really see is her supporting and trying to help her fiance, McFinn.

  By her lights, tis a judgment call for sure, she was honest as only a wolf or a dog can be honest, the Alphas would have turned into a mess if it weren't for her..
Is that your definition of moral character? Honesty?

The Alpha's weren't a 'mess'...they were just children, both litterally and figuratively...she taught them how wolves act, how to actually USE the senses of their new forms.
I dont' think she was running ethics classes, though.

For one thing she taught the Alphas that wolves do not act like the guys with the belts, nor do they act like the Loup.  As I remember she was of great moral character in her own right, a great example for the young Alphas.
Could you please define 'great moral character'? It just seems like one of those 'fuzzy' opinion things.

Also, remember, she was engaged to the Loup, and I think there's a scene where she tells Harry at least part of the reason is because he's the most destructive thing out there.

Didn't Jim state that Fitz was meant to be a one time character? Of course so was Butters so things can change, but all this speculation seems to revolve around him being an important character when I'm almost certain Jim states he was not.
Yes, there's a WoJ to state that...btu this thread predates the WoJ (I think) :)

Fitz protects the members of his "pack". He takes the punishment his "Alpha" dishes out. He follows the lead of his alpha. What doesn't work as wolfish?
It does work as's very wolfish.
It's also what Harry a degree.

As I said above, I think those traits could also be 'orphan' traits.
ie Fitz protects his 'family', he accepts the punishment his 'father' dishes out, he follows his 'father's' lead....

Additionally I don't recall who made the comment but what "good values" did Tera West teach the Alphas?
She taught them how to be wolves, according to Fool Moon.
I'm not sure what other 'values' are being discussed.

But red hair is associated with the Irish, not the Scandanavians.  Yes, there are red haired Vikings, but from what I've seen Blonde and Black hair is WAAAAY more common than Red hair.
In would he be related to Gard?

  That is a good point, but a stretch in my opinion, yes the age is all wrong. What tells me more than anything he isn't Tera West's pup, is his behavior.  Wolves are social creatures, they run in packs and are very good parents.  Tera West was impressive in her values,  a big thing she did was to teach the Alphas a good value system and what it means to be a wolf.  Fitz didn't show any of that, yeah, he is a sensitive, and Harry saw that he wasn't all bad, but if Harry hadn't come along, Fitz would have continued down the same road he was on most likely.  To me that just doesn't fit with the values of Tera West.
And if he ran away....he wouldn't have been raised by Tera.

The 'values' you are talking about are really nebulous just doesn't disprove the theory.

  I can see Fitz at some point becoming a Holy Knight, but sorry but I agree to me it just doesn't fit as a wolf.  I cannot see a child of Tara West, raised with her values in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, falling into the gutter to be pushed around as he was by a second rate sorcerer.  So as much as his description fits some things most of the stuff just doesn't fit.
I think it fits perfectly as a wolf, honestly.
Fitz, born of Tera, as a wolf pup....weaned and then left to his own devices...he changes to human, and forgets/doesn't know he can change into a wolf, and gets found by humans.

I think the issue here that people are forgetting is that Tera is a wolf...she wouldn't necessarily raise a child with 'values'...that's a human thing, not a wolf thing. Remember, she was into MacFinn mostly because he turned into the biggest, baddest wolf around..not cause he was a nice guy who was kind to children and old people!

Fitz does exhibit some 'wolfy' characteristics, to me. Then again, they are very similar to a lot of Harry's traits, so they might be 'orphan' traits, rather than wolf ones.

Fitz, as a child of Tera and MacFinn, sounds plausible....but, I think we should probably also consider that he's a minor ectomantic talent, who's parents are dead.

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