I killed my game.
I made a number of mistakes in getting the game up and running. First and for most, no one other than myself had ever read the Dresden Books. We wanted to try FATE but I Was the only one willing to run and THIS was the flavor I wanted. Then there was trouble with Character Creation. We were all more than a little unclear as to how to tie the characters together. Add to the mix a bunch of players more used to Burning Wheel and with no good working knowledge on how to drive a story in FATE.
After 4 GAME sessions, I looked around at my players and no one was having fun.... least of all me.
But we do want to try this again. I think we can all see where we went wrong and what needs to change. I think the characters my players came up with were interesting and would still work with a bit of tweaking. I just wish I could get ALL of them to read Summer Knight first.