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Messages - emeraldsorcha

Pages: [1]
I came searching for people to talk about this book with, as I just finished it last night.  I LOVE this book.  I love all the Dresden Files, tho CHANGES had me seriously worried for Harry (I felt he was rushing too fast, jumping without looking, and getting all kinds of f-ed up in the process), this book set those worries to rest.  I feel like Harry is back to himself (mentally and physically) and I just wanna give him a giant hug!  Yay!!  :)

Was anyone else bawling when he was not saying goodbye to Karrin and visiting Maggie and Mouse?  Holy crap. Tears are running down my face but I could not stop reading.  Ah.  Totally cathartic though, I really appreciated that, I felt it well done.  Thanks Mr. Butcher.

Totally stoked for the next one.  I think Mab is so interesting, I cannot wait to see where this goes.  Although, it may be good that everyone thinks Harry's dead if he's still gotta be the Winter Knight, even with his self intact.  I am very curious to see what happens.

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