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Messages - Bastard

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Sup TheWinterEmissary/AmethystOrator...

Don't recall having spoke with you any particular thread, but I recognize you from there sure. Since you mentioned that you have barely read any UF, I just posted a small list of recommendations that might be of interest to you:,946.msg1216045.html#msg1216045

I don't know how much I'll manage to stick around, there's too much discussion here so a bit hard to keep up for me. I'm a fan of smaller communities, but I'll try my best to stick around since I love Dresden.

You brought up one point I wasn't considering, the part that everyone thinks Harry is dead. When we return in the next book, do you think everyone will still think he's dead? Like maybe he's been hiding for some reason or he's simply in the Winter Court so no one is aware he's alive?

I wasn't entertaining that idea, I thought that by the start of the next book the secret of his revival will be out already. But I like former idea better.

Nice review. I agree with almost all of it, except "by enlarge"  ;D

LOL, nice catch. Now the real question, to fix it or leave it as is? I've always erred in the side of funny, so let's keep it.

Sorry svb1972, not worth arguing with you if you're going to take everything I say out of context and extrapolating things. Read carefully what I'm saying.

OK, I wasn't complaining about the minor characters. I just was bringing it forward as something worth noting. Myself I had zero problem with that aspect, not all my observations above have to do with my opinion, but just stating facts and things I envision some having problems with, or have seen people having problems with.

And I really liked Fitz and Butters in the book. In fact, I wanted more Fitz... my only disappointment there is that Harry didn't posses him during the book, that would have kicked some ass particularly fighting the wizard.

I've seen quite a few people complaining about the lack of time spent with Murphy for example, and that's why I made mention of it. Not that I found it a problem for me myself.

That's fine, everyone has their likes and dislikes. Most of the things I decided to focus on are issues I've seen people have trouble with in different places, particularly outside of this forum. I agree that I focus on the negative aspects and don't highlight much of the positive ones.

Anyways, not interested in arguing on whether you think it was a great book or not, my intent was not to shit on anyone's parade or on the book particularly since I'm a huge Dresden fan and actually liked the book. Just felt it wasn't as good as the previous ones, that's all.

If you think everything I said was bad you didn't read my reaction at all. I go on to say that it was still one of my favorite reads of UF this year.

I wrote my reaction to Ghost Story the other day, I'll just copy paste it here:

Ghost Story has to be this year's most anticipated Urban Fantasy novel, particularly after the excellent Changes and the cliffhanger ending it had. The bar had been set quite high and it seems like the consensus is that Ghost Story fell short. How short is where most disagree on.

Ghost Story is the thirteenth installment in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, featuring one of the most awesome characters out there, Harry Dresden. Harry is my Jack Bauer of fiction literature; and we know Jack Bauer is god. After some concerns of whether Borders was going to ship me my pre-ordered book, it finally arrived late last week and spent two nights finishing it up. Regardless of your opinion on the book, it's apparent that it's still quite a page turner.

But once one finishes up reading Ghost Story, it's evident that the book was sub-par in The Dresden Files sequence. Part of the problem is that Butcher looked like he was very conscious of new readers and he was on recap mode on steroids throughout the whole novel, which surely drove fans of the series nuts. In a similar nature, the pacing was out of whack throughout the book due to too many back story and flashback scenes and the already mentioned recaps. But given the nature of ghosts in the book, it makes sense for these types of things to occur, though they still disrupt the energy and momentum of the book. While these were problematic, the book specific plot was not that engaging or interesting, so it created a perfect negative storm.

Those issues aside, I really enjoyed the book. The worst Dresden book to me is still much better than most Urban Fantasy novels I read, so while disappointed by the book not reaching the standards I come to expect of a Dresden novel, it's was still a very good read for me, and it's still one of my favorite Urban Fantasy reads this year.

Ghost Story was by enlarge a very introspective book as such, the wide awesome cast of characters of this universe get the short end of the stick in scene appearances, which will add to the disappointment to many. Still some minor characters stepped up to the stage and will surely become favorites to some. It balances out. Ghost Story is also clearly a new stage setter, a bridge novel, to what one can consider the second act of the series. As such, it felt like the second book of a trilogy, and those always seem to be the toughest to write and are often the weakest of the books.

The Dresden Files has always been to me about having Harry Dresden as a narrator and it was still an enjoyable read, though expect many mixed reactions to the book. Even so, the stage has be set and now I'm very much looking forward to what comes next, Harry is back and it'll be interesting to see how his recent experiences are going to shape his behavior going forward. Next book in the series is apparently titled Cold Days coming out next year. New allies and enemies have been made, questions of trust are about, lots of mysteries still left undiscovered to us the readers, and Harry is here to kick some ass.

I'll all I had mixed feelings with the book, though still a very enjoyable read to me, and quite excited with what's coming next. I liked how he brought Nick from the fist short story. I wonder if we'll see him again at some point, though I doubt it. Maybe a small cameo. With Murphy under Marcone and his vikings, the Harry vs Marcone plot just got that much interesting. Looking forward to Cold Days, and seeing where all our friends will be aligning themselves.

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